Emergent Mind

CLARINET: Augmenting Language Models to Ask Clarification Questions for Retrieval

Published Apr 28, 2024 in cs.IR , cs.AI , and cs.CL


Users often make ambiguous requests that require clarification. We study the problem of asking clarification questions in an information retrieval setting, where systems often face ambiguous search queries and it is challenging to turn the uncertainty in the retrieval model into a natural language question. We present CLARINET, a system that asks informative clarification questions by choosing questions whose answers would maximize certainty in the correct candidate. Our approach works by augmenting a LLM to condition on a retrieval distribution, finetuning end-to-end to generate the question that would have maximized the rank of the true candidate at each turn. When evaluated on a real-world retrieval dataset of users searching for books, our system outperforms traditional heuristics such as information gain on retrieval success by 17% and vanilla-prompted LLMs by 39% relative.

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