Emergent Mind

Canonical Variates in Wasserstein Metric Space

Published May 24, 2024 in stat.ML , cs.AI , and cs.LG


In this paper, we address the classification of instances each characterized not by a singular point, but by a distribution on a vector space. We employ the Wasserstein metric to measure distances between distributions, which are then used by distance-based classification algorithms such as k-nearest neighbors, k-means, and pseudo-mixture modeling. Central to our investigation is dimension reduction within the Wasserstein metric space to enhance classification accuracy. We introduce a novel approach grounded in the principle of maximizing Fisher's ratio, defined as the quotient of between-class variation to within-class variation. The directions in which this ratio is maximized are termed discriminant coordinates or canonical variates axes. In practice, we define both between-class and within-class variations as the average squared distances between pairs of instances, with the pairs either belonging to the same class or to different classes. This ratio optimization is achieved through an iterative algorithm, which alternates between optimal transport and maximization steps within the vector space. We conduct empirical studies to assess the algorithm's convergence and, through experimental validation, demonstrate that our dimension reduction technique substantially enhances classification performance. Moreover, our method outperforms well-established algorithms that operate on vector representations derived from distributional data. It also exhibits robustness against variations in the distributional representations of data clouds.

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