Emergent Mind


Protein diffusion models have emerged as a promising approach for protein design. One such pioneering model is Genie, a method that asymmetrically represents protein structures during the forward and backward processes, using simple Gaussian noising for the former and expressive SE(3)-equivariant attention for the latter. In this work we introduce Genie 2, extending Genie to capture a larger and more diverse protein structure space through architectural innovations and massive data augmentation. Genie 2 adds motif scaffolding capabilities via a novel multi-motif framework that designs co-occurring motifs with unspecified inter-motif positions and orientations. This makes possible complex protein designs that engage multiple interaction partners and perform multiple functions. On both unconditional and conditional generation, Genie 2 achieves state-of-the-art performance, outperforming all known methods on key design metrics including designability, diversity, and novelty. Genie 2 also solves more motif scaffolding problems than other methods and does so with more unique and varied solutions. Taken together, these advances set a new standard for structure-based protein design. Genie 2 inference and training code, as well as model weights, are freely available at: https://github.com/aqlaboratory/genie2.

Genie 2 architecture and its application in single- and multi-motif scaffolding problems with example inputs and generated designs.


  • Genie 2 showcases significant advancements in protein design through enhanced architectural modifications and large-scale data augmentation, setting new standards in the domain of structure-based protein design.

  • The model introduces a novel multi-motif framework and employs both conditional and unconditional generation techniques, optimizing the design of complex proteins with multiple interaction partners.

  • Genie 2 outperforms competing models in tasks involving designability, diversity, and novelty, particularly excelling in single and multi-motif scaffolding tasks.

Analysis of Genie 2: Advancements in Structure-based Protein Design


The field of protein design stands at the cusp of significant transformation, driven by generative AI methodologies such as diffusion models and flow matching techniques. These advancements have been catalyzed by pioneering works such as AlphaFold 2’s revolution in structural prediction. One notable model in the landscape of protein design is Genie, leveraging SE(3)-equivariant attention for robust structural representation. The present paper discusses Genie 2, an advanced iteration that enhances protein structure capture through innovative architectural modifications and large-scale data augmentation, setting new standards in the domain of structure-based protein design.

Innovations in Genie 2

Genie 2 introduces several key enhancements over its predecessor. Central to these improvements is a novel multi-motif framework that extends motif scaffolding capabilities. This new architecture supports the design of complex proteins engaging multiple interaction partners with unspecified inter-motif positions and orientations. Genie 2 differentiates itself by employing conditional and unconditional generation techniques, which have shown superior design metrics performance.

Architectural Enhancements

The original Genie utilized asymmetric protein representations during the forward and backward processes, involving Gaussian noising and SE(3)-equivariant attention, respectively. Genie 2 enhances this framework by incorporating a multi-motif scaffolding approach that handles motifs without pre-defined interrelationships. This flexibility paves the way for designing proteins capable of multiple functions or interactions, an advancement addressing limitations in current models.

Data Augmentation Strategies

Acknowledging the constraints of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) in providing comprehensive structural data, Genie 2 integrates confidently predicted protein structures from the AlphaFold database (AFDB). This augmentation amplifies the model’s training set, enabling it to capture a broader structural space, which is instrumental in achieving higher designability, diversity, and novelty metrics.

Performance Evaluation

Genie 2 was rigorously assessed against key protein design models such as Chroma, FrameFlow, and RFDiffusion across multiple criteria, including designability, diversity, novelty, and multi-motif scaffolding.

Unconditional Protein Generation

In unconditional generation tasks, Genie 2 demonstrated remarkable performance, achieving a designability score equivalent to RFDiffusion but with significantly higher diversity and novelty. The structure generation showcased a wide range of secondary structure elements, albeit with some bias towards helical structures, likely due to the training dataset's composition. Nonetheless, the model’s capability to generate structurally diverse proteins was evident, outperforming competitive models especially in short sequence lengths, which comprise a smaller design space.

Single and Multi-Motif Scaffolding

Genie 2 excelled in single-motif scaffolding, outperforming RFDiffusion across 24 design tasks. The paper highlighted that Genie 2 achieved a higher number of unique solutions, with the performance gap enlarging with increased sample size. This suggests Genie 2’s superior ability to capture a diverse protein structure space. Furthermore, Genie 2 was evaluated on six multi-motif scaffolding tasks, solving four of them successfully. This demonstrates its proficiency in tackling complex design problems involving multiple functional motifs.

Implications and Future Directions

The advancements embodied by Genie 2 have significant practical and theoretical implications. From a practical perspective, the model's robust performance in designability, diversity, and novelty makes it a potent tool for therapeutic and industrial applications, such as developing new enzymes, biosensors, and multi-functional proteins. Theoretically, the ability to scaffold multiple motifs without specifying inter-motif geometry suggests new avenues in protein architecture design and function prediction.

Future work could explore further integration of sequence-based information into the structural design process, enabling a more seamless sequence-structure-function relationship. Additionally, improvements in training datasets, incorporating more diverse and experimentally validated structures, could enhance the robustness and applicability of such models. Moreover, expanding the capabilities to include protein-protein interaction modeling could provide comprehensive solutions for designing complex macromolecular assemblies.


Genie 2 represents a significant enhancement in the domain of generative protein design models. By combining architectural innovations with extensive data augmentation, it sets a new benchmark for structure-based protein design methodologies. The model's performance across various design metrics underlines its potential to transcend traditional limitations, offering a versatile and powerful tool for advancing both the understanding and application of protein science.

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