Emergent Mind

Machine Unlearning in Large Language Models

Published May 24, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Machine unlearning, a novel area within artificial intelligence, focuses on addressing the challenge of selectively forgetting or reducing undesirable knowledge or behaviors in machine learning models, particularly in the context of LLMs. This paper introduces a methodology to align LLMs, such as Open Pre-trained Transformer Language Models, with ethical, privacy, and safety standards by leveraging the gradient ascent algorithm for knowledge unlearning. Our approach aims to selectively erase or modify learned information in LLMs, targeting harmful responses and copyrighted content. This paper presents a dual-pronged approach to enhance the ethical and safe behavior of LLMs by addressing the issues of harmful responses and copyrighted content. To mitigate harmful responses, we applied gradient ascent on the PKU dataset, achieving a 75\% reduction in harmful responses for Open Pre-trained Transformer Language Models (OPT1.3b and OPT2.7b) \citet{zhang2022opt} while retaining previous knowledge using the TruthfulQA dataset \citet{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2109-07958}. For handling copyrighted content, we constructed a custom dataset based on the Lord of the Rings corpus and aligned LLMs (OPT1.3b and OPT2.7b) \citet{zhang2022opt} through LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of LLMs \citet{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2106-09685} finetuning. Subsequently, we employed gradient ascent to unlearn the Lord of the Rings content, resulting in a remarkable reduction in the presence of copyrighted material. To maintain a diverse knowledge base, we utilized the Book Corpus dataset. Additionally, we propose a new evaluation technique for assessing the effectiveness of harmful unlearning.

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