Emergent Mind

Beyond the noise: intrinsic dimension estimation with optimal neighbourhood identification

Published May 24, 2024 in stat.ML , cs.LG , math.ST , stat.CO , stat.ME , and stat.TH


The Intrinsic Dimension (ID) is a key concept in unsupervised learning and feature selection, as it is a lower bound to the number of variables which are necessary to describe a system. However, in almost any real-world dataset the ID depends on the scale at which the data are analysed. Quite typically at a small scale, the ID is very large, as the data are affected by measurement errors. At large scale, the ID can also be erroneously large, due to the curvature and the topology of the manifold containing the data. In this work, we introduce an automatic protocol to select the sweet spot, namely the correct range of scales in which the ID is meaningful and useful. This protocol is based on imposing that for distances smaller than the correct scale the density of the data is constant. Since to estimate the density it is necessary to know the ID, this condition is imposed self-consistently. We illustrate the usefulness and robustness of this procedure by benchmarks on artificial and real-world datasets.

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