Emergent Mind


The automated generation of imaging reports proves invaluable in alleviating the workload of radiologists. A clinically applicable reports generation algorithm should demonstrate its effectiveness in producing reports that accurately describe radiology findings and attend to patient-specific indications. In this paper, we introduce a novel method, \textbf{S}tructural \textbf{E}ntities extraction and patient indications \textbf{I}ncorporation (SEI) for chest X-ray report generation. Specifically, we employ a structural entities extraction (SEE) approach to eliminate presentation-style vocabulary in reports and improve the quality of factual entity sequences. This reduces the noise in the following cross-modal alignment module by aligning X-ray images with factual entity sequences in reports, thereby enhancing the precision of cross-modal alignment and further aiding the model in gradient-free retrieval of similar historical cases. Subsequently, we propose a cross-modal fusion network to integrate information from X-ray images, similar historical cases, and patient-specific indications. This process allows the text decoder to attend to discriminative features of X-ray images, assimilate historical diagnostic information from similar cases, and understand the examination intention of patients. This, in turn, assists in triggering the text decoder to produce high-quality reports. Experiments conducted on MIMIC-CXR validate the superiority of SEI over state-of-the-art approaches on both natural language generation and clinical efficacy metrics.

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