Emergent Mind

Generative Camera Dolly: Extreme Monocular Dynamic Novel View Synthesis

Published May 23, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.AI , cs.LG , and cs.RO


Accurate reconstruction of complex dynamic scenes from just a single viewpoint continues to be a challenging task in computer vision. Current dynamic novel view synthesis methods typically require videos from many different camera viewpoints, necessitating careful recording setups, and significantly restricting their utility in the wild as well as in terms of embodied AI applications. In this paper, we propose $\textbf{GCD}$, a controllable monocular dynamic view synthesis pipeline that leverages large-scale diffusion priors to, given a video of any scene, generate a synchronous video from any other chosen perspective, conditioned on a set of relative camera pose parameters. Our model does not require depth as input, and does not explicitly model 3D scene geometry, instead performing end-to-end video-to-video translation in order to achieve its goal efficiently. Despite being trained on synthetic multi-view video data only, zero-shot real-world generalization experiments show promising results in multiple domains, including robotics, object permanence, and driving environments. We believe our framework can potentially unlock powerful applications in rich dynamic scene understanding, perception for robotics, and interactive 3D video viewing experiences for virtual reality.

GCD model translates videos between viewpoints, preserving scene dynamics and visual details.


  • The paper introduces 'Generative Camera Dolly' (GCD), a model for generating synchronous videos from drastically different perspectives using a single static camera feed.

  • The GCD model demonstrated superior performance on synthetic datasets, achieving higher PSNR scores compared to other models, indicating better visual detail and consistency.

  • Potential applications of GCD include autonomous vehicles, robotics, and immersive content creation for AR/VR, with future directions focusing on improving representation quality and real-world applications.

Extreme Monocular Dynamic View Synthesis: Generative Camera Dolly


Imagine watching a video from a static camera angle and wishing you could see the scene unfold from a different perspective—a drastically different one. While this sounds straightforward, it's actually a complex task in computer vision. Traditional methods require synchronized videos from multiple viewpoints, making the setup cumbersome and limiting its practical use. This paper, "Generative Camera Dolly: Extreme Monocular Dynamic Novel View Synthesis," introduces a new model called GCD (Generative Camera Dolly) to address this problem. GCD leverages recent advances in large-scale video generative models to produce synchronous videos from any chosen perspective, conditioned solely on camera pose parameters.

Key Contributions

A New Approach to Dynamic View Synthesis

The authors propose a controllable monocular dynamic view synthesis pipeline. The aim? Given a single video from one perspective, generate another video from a dramatically different viewpoint. Think about generating a new view of a busy street scene from just one camera view mounted on an autonomous vehicle, or reliving a recorded event from multiple angles for a more immersive experience.

Strong Numerical Results

The GCD model demonstrates impressive performance across various tasks:

  • Kubric-4D dataset: Achieved an average PSNR of around 20.30, significantly outperforming baselines that ranged between 12.86 and 15.38.
  • ParallelDomain-4D dataset: Achieved a PSNR of 25.04, again surpassing other models which peaked at around 18.88.

These numerical results indicate that the GCD model better preserves the visual details and consistency when generating views from novel angles.

How Does It Work?

Camera Control and Video Conditioning

The core of GCD lies in its ability to control camera viewpoints and video conditioning. Here's a simplified take on these processes:

  1. Camera Control: The model finely tunes camera parameters to follow a desired trajectory.
  2. Video Conditioning: It uses hybrid conditioning techniques to process and understand the provided video. This ensures that even occlusions and moving objects are accurately represented in the novel view.

By borrowing rich generative priors from existing video diffusion models, GCD aligns new frames with different camera poses effectively.

Training and Datasets

Training requires diverse datasets. For this study, two synthetic datasets were created:

  1. Kubric-4D: Features complex multi-object interactions and occlusion patterns.
  2. ParallelDomain-4D: Focuses on highly realistic driving scenarios, enabling detailed scene understanding from different perspectives.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Applications

Let's dive into some intriguing use cases:

  • Autonomous Vehicles: Leverage monocular views to anticipate hidden obstacles and understand traffic from other perspectives.
  • Robotics: Gain new views of cluttered environments during delicate tasks.
  • Content Creation: For AR/VR experiences, relive recorded events from multiple angles, making them far more immersive.

Theoretical Implications

On a theoretical level, GCD pushes the boundaries of dynamic scene understanding, showing that even highly under-constrained problems can be tackled with the right use of generative models and spatial reasoning.

What's Next?

  • Better Representations: As generative models evolve, the quality and consistency of video synthesis will continue to improve.
  • Hybrid Models: Combining this approach with other scene representation techniques might yield even better results.
  • Real-World Applications: Although tested on synthetic datasets, GCD showed promising results on real-world videos. More rigorous testing and adaptation could lead to robust real-world use.


The GCD model introduces a sophisticated yet efficient way to generate dynamic novel views from a single camera perspective. Through leveraging large-scale video generative models and innovative conditioning techniques, it excels in complex scenarios previously unattainable by existing methods. Whether it's for autonomous driving, robotic manipulation, or creating more immersive AR/VR experiences, the potential applications are wide and impactful. As generative modeling continues to advance, we can expect even more exciting developments in this space.

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