Emergent Mind


There has been significant interest in "extreme" compression of LLMs, i.e., to 1-2 bits per parameter, which allows such models to be executed efficiently on resource-constrained devices. Existing work focused on improved one-shot quantization techniques and weight representations; yet, purely post-training approaches are reaching diminishing returns in terms of the accuracy-vs-bit-width trade-off. State-of-the-art quantization methods such as QuIP# and AQLM include fine-tuning (part of) the compressed parameters over a limited amount of calibration data; however, such fine-tuning techniques over compressed weights often make exclusive use of straight-through estimators (STE), whose performance is not well-understood in this setting. In this work, we question the use of STE for extreme LLM compression, showing that it can be sub-optimal, and perform a systematic study of quantization-aware fine-tuning strategies for LLMs. We propose PV-Tuning - a representation-agnostic framework that generalizes and improves upon existing fine-tuning strategies, and provides convergence guarantees in restricted cases. On the practical side, when used for 1-2 bit vector quantization, PV-Tuning outperforms prior techniques for highly-performant models such as Llama and Mistral. Using PV-Tuning, we achieve the first Pareto-optimal quantization for Llama 2 family models at 2 bits per parameter.

WikiText-2 perplexity and zero-shot accuracy of 2-bit quantized Llama 2 models vs. model size.


  • The paper introduces PV-Tuning, a novel framework for optimizing fine-tuning in extreme LLM compression, specifically focusing on compression down to 1-2 bits per parameter.

  • It addresses the limitations of the widely used straight-through estimation (STE) approach by employing a principled optimization method that iteratively updates discrete and continuous components of the quantized model.

  • Empirical evaluations show that PV-Tuning significantly outperforms prior techniques in both compression efficiency and model accuracy across popular LLMs such as Llama, Mistral, and Phi.

An Analysis of PV-Tuning: Towards Enhanced Fine-Tuning in Extreme LLM Compression

The paper titled "PV-Tuning: Beyond Straight-Through Estimation for Extreme LLM Compression" introduces a novel framework for optimizing the fine-tuning process in the context of LLM compression. Specifically, the focus is on achieving compression levels down to 1-2 bits per parameter, thereby making it feasible to deploy these models on resource-constrained devices. The PV-Tuning method aims to address the limitations of the widely used straight-through estimation (STE) approach, which has been found to be sub-optimal in this domain.

Methodology and Contributions

Shortcomings of Existing Approaches

Current state-of-the-art techniques in LLM compression follow two primary strategies: i) the development of more effective quantized weight representations, and ii) the improvement of algorithms to learn these representations. While several advanced quantized representations such as group quantization, sparse high-precision outliers, and incoherence processing have been investigated, the fine-tuning algorithms predominantly rely on straight-through estimators (STE). However, the optimization performance of STE in this setting is poorly understood and often results in sub-optimal outcomes.

Introduction of PV-Tuning

The core contribution of the paper is PV-Tuning, an innovative, representation-agnostic fine-tuning framework designed to generalize and enhance current fine-tuning methods. This methodology circumvents the limitations of STE by employing a principled optimization approach. PV-Tuning iteratively applies updates to both the discrete and continuous components of the quantized model and seeks to minimize a global objective, such as the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between model predictions.

Experimental Setup and Results

Benchmark and Model Evaluation

The authors present a performance evaluation using a range of popular LLMs, including Llama, Mistral, and Phi, targeting bit-width levels between 1 and 3 bits per parameter. The benchmark tasks encompass WikiText-2 and C4 datasets as well as several zero-shot classification benchmarks.

Empirical Findings and Methodological Insights

PV-Tuning demonstrated significant advancements over prior techniques in both compression efficiency and model accuracy. Specific highlights from the experimental results include:

  • PV-Tuning yielded state-of-the-art perplexity scores in both 1- and 2-bit quantization regimes.
  • The method achieved the first Pareto-optimal quantization for Llama-2 family models at approximately 2 bits per parameter.
  • Quantization errors with prior techniques appear to saturate, whereas PV-Tuning continues to make substantial improvements.

The method's efficacy was notably consistent across different weight representations and baseline algorithms, providing empirical validation for its general applicability.

Implications and Future Directions

Theoretical and Practical Relevance

The implications of this research are twofold. Theoretically, PV-Tuning broadens the understanding of fine-tuning strategies for quantized models by challenging the orthodoxy of STE-based optimization. Practically, it endows practitioners with an advanced tool that enhances the deployment of highly compressed LLMs on commodity hardware, democratizing access to state-of-the-art language models.

Potential for Future Research

Future work could explore several avenues:

  • Tuning the PV-Tuning algorithm for specific weight representations to optimize performance further.
  • Extending the framework to encompass other forms of multi-bit quantization.
  • Employing PV-Tuning in the training phase of LLMs, possibly leading to end-to-end systems optimized for both size and accuracy from the outset.
  • Investigating the application of the framework to tasks involving quantized activation functions, thereby encompassing a broader scope of neural network optimization.


In summation, the introduction of PV-Tuning marks a significant progression in the field of LLM compression. By addressing the intrinsic limitations of STE and offering a more robust, theoretically sound methodology, the framework sets a new benchmark in quantization-aware fine-tuning. As such, this work is poised to have a lasting impact on both the theoretical development and practical deployment of large-scale language models.


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