Emergent Mind

Towards Imperceptible Backdoor Attack in Self-supervised Learning

Published May 23, 2024 in cs.CV


Self-supervised learning models are vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Existing backdoor attacks that are effective in self-supervised learning often involve noticeable triggers, like colored patches, which are vulnerable to human inspection. In this paper, we propose an imperceptible and effective backdoor attack against self-supervised models. We first find that existing imperceptible triggers designed for supervised learning are not as effective in compromising self-supervised models. We then identify this ineffectiveness is attributed to the overlap in distributions between the backdoor and augmented samples used in self-supervised learning. Building on this insight, we design an attack using optimized triggers that are disentangled to the augmented transformation in the self-supervised learning, while also remaining imperceptible to human vision. Experiments on five datasets and seven SSL algorithms demonstrate our attack is highly effective and stealthy. It also has strong resistance to existing backdoor defenses. Our code can be found at https://github.com/Zhang-Henry/IMPERATIVE.

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