Emergent Mind

Metric distortion Under Probabilistic Voting

Published May 23, 2024 in cs.GT


Metric distortion in social choice provides a framework for assessing how well voting rules minimize social cost in scenarios where voters and candidates exist in a shared metric space, with voters submitting rankings and the rule outputting a single winner. We expand this framework to include probabilistic voting. Our extension encompasses a broad range of probability functions, including widely studied models like Plackett-Luce (PL) and Bradley-Terry, and a novel "pairwise quantal voting" model inspired by quantal response theory. We demonstrate that distortion results under probabilistic voting better correspond with conventional intuitions regarding popular voting rules such as Plurality, Copeland, and Random Dictator (RD) than those under deterministic voting. For example, in the PL model with candidate strength inversely proportional to the square of their metric distance, we show that Copeland's distortion is at most 2, whereas that of RD is $\Omega(\sqrt{m})$ in large elections, where $m$ is the number of candidates. This contrasts sharply with the classical model, where RD beats Copeland with a distortion of 3 versus 5 [1].

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