Emergent Mind

Deep Learning for Protein-Ligand Docking: Are We There Yet?

Published May 23, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , q-bio.BM , and q-bio.QM


The effects of ligand binding on protein structures and their in vivo functions carry numerous implications for modern biomedical research and biotechnology development efforts such as drug discovery. Although several deep learning (DL) methods and benchmarks designed for protein-ligand docking have recently been introduced, to date no prior works have systematically studied the behavior of docking methods within the practical context of (1) predicted (apo) protein structures, (2) multiple ligands concurrently binding to a given target protein, and (3) having no prior knowledge of binding pockets. To enable a deeper understanding of docking methods' real-world utility, we introduce PoseBench, the first comprehensive benchmark for practical protein-ligand docking. PoseBench enables researchers to rigorously and systematically evaluate DL docking methods for apo-to-holo protein-ligand docking and protein-ligand structure generation using both single and multi-ligand benchmark datasets, the latter of which we introduce for the first time to the DL community. Empirically, using PoseBench, we find that all recent DL docking methods but one fail to generalize to multi-ligand protein targets and also that template-based docking algorithms perform equally well or better for multi-ligand docking as recent single-ligand DL docking methods, suggesting areas of improvement for future work. Code, data, tutorials, and benchmark results are available at https://github.com/BioinfoMachineLearning/PoseBench.

Overview of PoseBench, a benchmark for ML modeling of protein-ligand complexes with blind docking.


  • The paper introduces PoseBench, a new benchmark framework designed to assess the performance of protein-ligand docking methods in practical settings including predicting ligand binding to unbound proteins and handling multiple ligands simultaneously.

  • DiffDock-L, a deep learning method, outperformed traditional tools like AutoDock Vina in single-ligand docking; however, traditional tools remain more stable in multi-ligand scenarios after structural relaxation.

  • The paper emphasizes the importance of pretraining on diverse molecular data and developing specific training regimes for multi-ligand docking to improve deep learning methods in complex docking tasks.

Introducing PoseBench: A Benchmark for Protein-Ligand Docking

Hey there, data science enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into a paper that brings some new perspectives to the world of protein-ligand docking with deep learning (DL) methods. The paper introduces PoseBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate the performance of various docking methods in more practical settings. Let's break down what's going on here and why it's important.

What is PoseBench?

PoseBench is a benchmark framework created to assess protein-ligand docking methods. Docking is all about figuring out how small molecules (ligands) interact with larger proteins, which is super important for drug discovery. Here are some unique aspects of PoseBench:

  • Realistic Scenarios: PoseBench emphasizes practical settings like predicting ligand binding to unbound proteins (apo structures), handling multiple ligands at once, and working without prior knowledge of binding pockets.
  • Comprehensive Datasets: It includes datasets like Astex Diverse and PoseBusters Benchmark for single-ligand docking, and a curated CASP15 dataset for multi-ligand scenarios.
  • Evaluation on Multiple Metrics: It evaluates methods on several fronts, including structural accuracy, molecule validity, and protein-ligand interface quality.

Strong Numerical Results and Bold Findings

The benchmark provides some intriguing empirical results:

  • Single-Ligand Docking: When it comes to single-ligand docking, the DL method DiffDock-L stands out, outperforming traditional tools like AutoDock Vina. However, traditional tools do surprisingly well when augmented with modern techniques.
  • Multi-Ligand Docking: Things get tricky with multiple ligands. While DiffDock-L initially seems effective, its performance drops after applying structural relaxation (a process to refine predictions). On the other hand, NeuralPLexer and traditional methods like TULIP show more stability.

Key Takeaways

The implications of these findings are pretty significant:

  1. Single-Ligand Docking Dominance: DiffDock-L demonstrates that DL methods can potentially surpass traditional docking algorithms in identifying single-ligand binding poses.
  2. Challenges with Multi-Ligand Docking: Modeling interactions between multiple ligands is complex. Many DL methods struggle here, indicating room for improvement and the need to explore new training paradigms.
  3. Value of Pretraining: Methods like NeuralPLexer, which leverage extensive molecule pretraining, exhibit better performance in multi-ligand settings. This hints at the importance of comprehensive pretraining for tackling more intricate docking tasks.

Future Directions in Protein-Ligand Docking

So, what's next in this space? Based on PoseBench's findings, several paths are worth exploring:

  • Enhanced Pretraining Techniques: Emphasizing pretraining on diverse molecular data might enhance DL methods' ability to handle complex docking scenarios.
  • Focused Multi-Ligand Training: Developing training regimes specifically tailored for multi-ligand docking could address current limitations.
  • Integration of Relaxation Processes: Combining DL predictions with robust relaxation techniques could lead to more accurate and reliable docking results.


PoseBench provides a valuable framework for evaluating the practicality and effectiveness of protein-ligand docking methods. It highlights the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches and points toward future research directions. For data scientists interested in bioinformatics and drug discovery, this benchmark offers a clear path to advancing the field with more accurate and practical docking methodologies.

That's a wrap! Hopefully, this breakdown gives you a clearer understanding of what's happening in the world of protein-ligand docking and where it's headed next. Until next time, keep exploring and learning!

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