Emergent Mind

Neural Scaling Laws for Embodied AI

Published May 22, 2024 in cs.RO


Scaling laws have driven remarkable progress across machine learning domains like language modeling and computer vision. However, the exploration of scaling laws in embodied AI and robotics has been limited, despite the rapidly increasing usage of machine learning in this field. This paper presents the first study to quantify scaling laws for Robot Foundation Models (RFMs) and the use of LLMs in robotics tasks. Through a meta-analysis spanning 198 research papers, we analyze how key factors like compute, model size, and training data quantity impact model performance across various robotic tasks. Our findings confirm that scaling laws apply to both RFMs and LLMs in robotics, with performance consistently improving as resources increase. The power law coefficients for RFMs closely match those of LLMs in robotics, resembling those found in computer vision and outperforming those for LLMs in the language domain. We also note that these coefficients vary with task complexity, with familiar tasks scaling more efficiently than unfamiliar ones, emphasizing the need for large and diverse datasets. Furthermore, we highlight the absence of standardized benchmarks in embodied AI. Most studies indicate diminishing returns, suggesting that significant resources are necessary to achieve high performance, posing challenges due to data and computational limitations. Finally, as models scale, we observe the emergence of new capabilities, particularly related to data and model size.

Scaling laws for Robot Foundation Models and LLMs across compute, data, model size, and input increase.


  • The paper explores scaling laws for Robot Foundation Models (RFMs) and LLMs in robotics, analyzing the impact of compute power, model size, and training data on performance.

  • It was found that scaling laws observed in NLP and vision do apply to robotics, with both RFMs and LLMs showing improved performance with increased resources but subject to diminishing returns.

  • Task complexity significantly influences the benefits of scaling; familiar tasks see more gains compared to novel ones, and diverse datasets are crucial for optimizing model performance.

Scaling Laws for Robot Foundation Models and Language Models in Robotics

Understanding the Purpose

Imagine you've been diving deep into various AI fields, and you've probably noticed the constant flux of how models behave as you scale them up. In NLP and computer vision, scaling laws have become a linchpin for advancing the field. Surprisingly, while scaling laws are well-understood in these domains, they've received less attention in robotics. This recent study embarks on uncharted territory by exploring scaling laws specifically for Robot Foundation Models (RFMs) and the use of LLMs in various robotic tasks.

The Research Approach

What was Done

The researchers performed a meta-analysis, examining 198 papers to see how compute power, model size, and training data affect performance in robotic tasks. The study’s goal was to determine if scaling laws observed in NLP and vision apply to embodied AI, which includes both RFMs and LLMs used in robotics.

Key Focus Areas

  1. Scale Parameters:

    • Compute
    • Model Size
    • Training Data
  2. Performance Metrics:

    • Success rate in familiar (seen) vs. unfamiliar (unseen) tasks.
    • Emergent capabilities as models scale.

Main Findings

Robot Foundation Models (RFMs)

The scaling laws for RFMs generally hold true across compute, data, and model size. As the resources allocated to the model increased, so did the performance, but in a diminishing returns fashion.

  • Compute: With more computational resources, performance improved, but not indefinitely.
  • Model Size: Larger models performed better, but again, not linearly.
  • Training Data: More data resulted in better models, but the rate of improvement decreased as data volume grew.

An essential aspect highlighted was that task complexity plays a significant role in how well models scale. That is, familiar tasks benefit more from scaling compared to novel ones, emphasizing the need for diverse datasets.

LLMs Used in Robotics

Remarkably, these models showed a similar performance boost with increasing resources. Moreover, the power law coefficients for LLMs in robotics were closely aligned with those observed in vision tasks and even outperformed traditional NLP tasks in terms of scaling efficiency.

  • Model Size: More parameters generally equated to better task performance. The study suggested that scaling properties for these models are potentially more efficient compared to standalone language applications.

Comparison with Other Domains

For context, the researchers compared these scaling laws with those from NLP and vision. Interestingly, robotics scaling laws more closely matched those for image and text-to-image models than traditional NLP. This suggests that embodied AI and robotics tasks might share more similarities with vision tasks regarding scaling than with language tasks.

Emergent Capabilities

One of the fascinating insights is about emergent capabilities—new skills that models acquire as they scale up. Both RFMs and LLMs in robotics demonstrated this phenomenon, particularly when reaching certain scales of data and model size. These emergent capabilities offer compelling evidence that scaling can promote generalization and adaptability.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Impact

  • Resource Allocation: The study enables better prediction of how resources should be distributed across compute, model size, and data for optimized performance.
  • Benchmarking: The lack of standardized benchmarks in embodied AI was underscored. Establishing such benchmarks, akin to ImageNet in vision, would aid in aligning research efforts.

Theoretical Insights

  • Task Complexity: Task complexity indeed affects how well models benefit from scaling, suggesting diverse and extensive datasets are key.
  • Scaling Behavior: Understanding that diminishing returns underscore the importance of efficient scaling strategies, particularly with the limitations posed by data availability and computational costs.

Speculating on the Future

As AI continues to evolve, especially in the robotics domain, it’s conceivable that more complex and adaptive robotic systems will emerge. Future research should dive deeper into the nuanced interplay of different data types (e.g., images, language), scaling factors, and how they collectively affect model performance.

Wrapping Up

This study provides a foundational understanding of how scaling laws operate in the context of embodied AI and robotics. By quantifying the effects of various resources on model performance, it sets the stage for more efficient and predictable development in the field of robotics. As we progress, these insights will be crucial in guiding not just academic research but also real-world applications and industry practices.

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