Emergent Mind

Attention as an RNN

Published May 22, 2024 in cs.LG


The advent of Transformers marked a significant breakthrough in sequence modelling, providing a highly performant architecture capable of leveraging GPU parallelism. However, Transformers are computationally expensive at inference time, limiting their applications, particularly in low-resource settings (e.g., mobile and embedded devices). Addressing this, we (1) begin by showing that attention can be viewed as a special Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with the ability to compute its \textit{many-to-one} RNN output efficiently. We then (2) show that popular attention-based models such as Transformers can be viewed as RNN variants. However, unlike traditional RNNs (e.g., LSTMs), these models cannot be updated efficiently with new tokens, an important property in sequence modelling. Tackling this, we (3) introduce a new efficient method of computing attention's \textit{many-to-many} RNN output based on the parallel prefix scan algorithm. Building on the new attention formulation, we (4) introduce \textbf{Aaren}, an attention-based module that can not only (i) be trained in parallel (like Transformers) but also (ii) be updated efficiently with new tokens, requiring only constant memory for inferences (like traditional RNNs). Empirically, we show Aarens achieve comparable performance to Transformers on $38$ datasets spread across four popular sequential problem settings: reinforcement learning, event forecasting, time series classification, and time series forecasting tasks while being more time and memory-efficient.

Comparing memory usage and cumulative time of Aarens and Transformers with KV-caching for token sequences.


  • The paper introduces Aaren, an attention-based RNN module that combines the benefits of Transformers and traditional RNNs to improve efficiency and performance in sequence modelling.

  • Aaren employs an innovative attention formulation based on the parallel prefix scan algorithm, allowing efficient updates with new tokens and maintaining constant memory usage, making it suitable for low-resource environments.

  • Extensive testing across various tasks, including reinforcement learning and time series forecasting, demonstrates that Aaren offers competitive performance to Transformers while significantly reducing memory usage and computation time.

Efficient Sequence Modelling with Aaren: An Attention-Based RNN

Introduction to Sequence Modelling Challenges

Sequence modelling is crucial for applications ranging from reinforcement learning (like powering robots) to forecasting time series data (think predicting stock prices). But one issue has been the trade-off between performance and efficiency. Transformers have dominated the scene due to their ability to process sequences in parallel, making them ideal for tasks requiring massive computational power. However, they are less suited for low-resource environments like mobile devices due to their high computational cost at inference time.

The paper introduces a new efficient sequence modelling method called Aaren—an attention-based module with the benefits of both Transformers and recurrent neural networks (RNNs).

Key Ideas from the Paper

Attention as RNNs

The authors start by showing that attention mechanisms in models like Transformers can be viewed as special forms of RNNs. The advantage? Combining the benefits of efficient many-to-one computation typical of RNNs with the parallelization that makes Transformers so powerful.

Innovative Attention Formulation

To overcome the inefficiency of traditional attention mechanisms in updating with new tokens, the authors propose a new method based on the parallel prefix scan algorithm. This allows the computation of attention outputs in a many-to-many fashion, making it scalable and efficient even on devices with limited resources.

Introducing Aaren

Building on this new formulation, the authors present Aaren, a unique module that:

  • Can be trained in parallel like Transformers, boosting training speed.
  • Can efficiently update with new tokens using constant memory, addressing a critical limitation in typical Transformer models.

Experimental Results

The paper's claims are backed by extensive testing across four significant problem settings: reinforcement learning, event forecasting, time series classification, and time series forecasting. Let's dig into some of the results:

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning tasks involve training policies to maximize rewards. Here, Aaren's efficiency at handling new data tokens translates to effective learning and comparable performance to standard Transformers across 12 different datasets.

Event Forecasting

In event forecasting, the goal is to predict the timing and type of future events based on historical data. Aaren matched Transformers' performance in predictive accuracy on various real-world datasets while being more efficient in streaming scenarios.

Time Series Forecasting

Time series forecasting involves predicting future values of a signal based on past observations. Aaren showed competitive performance to Transformers across all tested datasets, supporting its practicality in scenarios like weather prediction and stock price forecasting.

Time Series Classification

For time series classification tasks, which involve assigning labels to sequences, Aaren once again held its own against Transformers, demonstrating similar accuracy across different datasets.

Resource Efficiency

One of the paper's standout contributions is showing how Aaren stacks up in terms of computational resources:

  • Memory Usage: Transformers, even with optimization techniques like KV-caching, require memory that scales linearly with the number of tokens. Aarens, however, maintain constant memory usage, making them more suitable for deployment on resource-constrained devices.
  • Computation Time: While Transformers' computational load grows quadratically with the sequence length, Aaren's grows linearly, markedly reducing the time needed for processing long sequences.

Future Implications

The introduction of Aaren could pave the way for deploying advanced sequence models in environments where computational resources are a constraint. This includes mobile and embedded systems that power smart devices and IoT solutions. Additionally, in high-performance applications, Aaren could reduce costs and improve efficiency without compromising the benefits of attention-based modelling.


Aaren offers a compelling blend of efficiency and performance. By framing attention as a many-to-many RNN and leveraging parallel computation techniques, it achieves competitive accuracy with leading models like Transformers while requiring significantly fewer resources. It heralds a promising direction for future sequence modelling applications, balancing the need for powerful models with practical constraints on computational efficiency.

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