Emergent Mind

Thermodynamic Natural Gradient Descent

Published May 22, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.ET


Second-order training methods have better convergence properties than gradient descent but are rarely used in practice for large-scale training due to their computational overhead. This can be viewed as a hardware limitation (imposed by digital computers). Here we show that natural gradient descent (NGD), a second-order method, can have a similar computational complexity per iteration to a first-order method, when employing appropriate hardware. We present a new hybrid digital-analog algorithm for training neural networks that is equivalent to NGD in a certain parameter regime but avoids prohibitively costly linear system solves. Our algorithm exploits the thermodynamic properties of an analog system at equilibrium, and hence requires an analog thermodynamic computer. The training occurs in a hybrid digital-analog loop, where the gradient and Fisher information matrix (or any other positive semi-definite curvature matrix) are calculated at given time intervals while the analog dynamics take place. We numerically demonstrate the superiority of this approach over state-of-the-art digital first- and second-order training methods on classification tasks and language model fine-tuning tasks.

Training loss vs. iterations for QA fine-tuning comparing TNGD, Adam, and TNGD-Adam optimizers.


  • The paper introduces Thermodynamic Natural Gradient Descent (TNGD), a method that combines digital and analog computing to make second-order optimization methods more practical for training large neural networks.

  • The research aims to address the high computational cost of second-order methods like Natural Gradient Descent (NGD) by leveraging analog thermodynamic computing to achieve efficiency close to first-order methods.

  • TNGD has demonstrated improved performance in tasks like MNIST classification and language model fine-tuning, suggesting significant potential for more robust and efficient AI training.

Introducing Thermodynamic Natural Gradient Descent (TNGD)


Have you ever wondered why, despite knowing that second-order optimization algorithms like natural gradient descent (NGD) have better convergence properties, we don't see them used widely in training large-scale neural networks? It's mainly due to their high computational cost. However, a recent study explores how combining digital and analog computing can make second-order methods more practical for large neural networks, offering an exciting way to improve training efficiency.

Motivation Behind the Research

Training advanced AI models is becoming increasingly costly in terms of both time and energy. As models grow in size, commonly used optimizers like stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and Adam struggle to keep up with the growing computational demands. Second-order methods like NGD, which utilize the curvature of the loss landscape, can theoretically offer better performance but are limited by their computational overhead. This research brings a fresh perspective by leveraging analog thermodynamic computing to reduce the per-iteration complexity of NGD, making it almost as efficient as first-order methods.

Thermodynamic Natural Gradient Descent (TNGD) Explained

Key Innovation: The big idea revolves around a hybrid digital-analog approach. Here's how it breaks down:

  1. Analog Thermodynamic Computer: This specialized hardware uses thermodynamic processes at equilibrium to solve linear systems more efficiently than digital computers.
  2. Hybrid Loop: The training process alternates between computations done on a GPU and the analog thermodynamic computer. The GPU handles gradient computations, while the analog computer accelerates the second-order updates.

Numerical Results

The study demonstrates the effectiveness of TNGD on various tasks, including image classification and language model fine-tuning. Here are some highlights:

  • MNIST Classification: Compared to Adam, TNGD not only reduced the training loss faster but also achieved better test accuracy. This suggests that incorporating curvature information can result in more robust models.
  • Language Model Fine-Tuning: When fine-tuning a DistilBert model for extractive question-answering tasks, a modified version of TNGD (TNGD-Adam) showed improved performance. This hybrid approach combines the benefits of NGD and Adam, leading to faster convergence.

Practical Implications

Efficiency Gains:

  • The algorithm significantly reduces the runtime complexity, bringing it closer to that of first-order methods like SGD and Adam.
  • By leveraging analog computing, TNGD lowers both energy and computational costs, making it a promising solution for large-scale training operations.


  • Unlike other analog computing proposals that often require the model to be hardwired into the hardware, TNGD preserves the flexibility of changing model architectures easily.

Theoretical Insights and Future Directions

Stability and Adaptability:

  • The continuous-time nature of the analog component offers a stable convergence process, even in scenarios where traditional NGD might struggle.
  • There is potential to adapt this approach to other second-order methods, widening its applicability in various AI domains.

Hardware Development:

  • The widespread adoption of TNGD hinges on advancements in analog thermodynamic computers. While promising prototypes exist, larger-scale implementations are yet to be realized.
  • Future work could explore how these analog systems handle precision-related challenges, especially important for full-scale AI applications.


Thermodynamic Natural Gradient Descent (TNGD) opens an intriguing avenue for enhancing the efficiency of neural network training. By marrying the strengths of digital and analog computing, this hybrid approach could mark a significant improvement in how we train large-scale AI models. Although further hardware developments are necessary, the promising numerical results and theoretical advantages make TNGD an exciting area to watch.

As the research community continues to push the boundaries of what's computationally feasible, methods like TNGD could play a critical role in overcoming current limitations and unlocking new potentials in AI development.

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