Emergent Mind

A Novel Method for News Article Event-Based Embedding

Published May 20, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.SI


Embedding news articles is a crucial tool for multiple fields, such as media bias detection, identifying fake news, and news recommendations. However, existing news embedding methods are not optimized for capturing the latent context of news events. In many cases, news embedding methods rely on full-textual information and neglect the importance of time-relevant embedding generation. Here, we aim to address these shortcomings by presenting a novel lightweight method that optimizes news embedding generation by focusing on the entities and themes mentioned in the articles and their historical connections to specific events. We suggest a method composed of three stages. First, we process and extract the events, entities, and themes for the given news articles. Second, we generate periodic time embeddings for themes and entities by training timely separated GloVe models on current and historical data. Lastly, we concatenate the news embeddings generated by two distinct approaches: Smooth Inverse Frequency (SIF) for article-level vectors and Siamese Neural Networks for embeddings with nuanced event-related information. To test and evaluate our method, we leveraged over 850,000 news articles and 1,000,000 events from the GDELT project. For validation purposes, we conducted a comparative analysis of different news embedding generation methods, applying them twice to a shared event detection task - first on articles published within the same day and subsequently on those published within the same month. Our experiments show that our method significantly improves the Precision-Recall (PR) AUC across all tasks and datasets. Specifically, we observed an average PR AUC improvement of 2.15% and 2.57% compared to SIF, as well as 2.57% and 2.43% compared to the semi-supervised approach for daily and monthly shared event detection tasks, respectively.

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