Emergent Mind

Pytorch-Wildlife: A Collaborative Deep Learning Framework for Conservation

Published May 21, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.LG


The alarming decline in global biodiversity, driven by various factors, underscores the urgent need for large-scale wildlife monitoring. In response, scientists have turned to automated deep learning methods for data processing in wildlife monitoring. However, applying these advanced methods in real-world scenarios is challenging due to their complexity and the need for specialized knowledge, primarily because of technical challenges and interdisciplinary barriers. To address these challenges, we introduce Pytorch-Wildlife, an open-source deep learning platform built on PyTorch. It is designed for creating, modifying, and sharing powerful AI models. This platform emphasizes usability and accessibility, making it accessible to individuals with limited or no technical background. It also offers a modular codebase to simplify feature expansion and further development. Pytorch-Wildlife offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface, accessible through local installation or Hugging Face, for animal detection and classification in images and videos. As two real-world applications, Pytorch-Wildlife has been utilized to train animal classification models for species recognition in the Amazon Rainforest and for invasive opossum recognition in the Galapagos Islands. The Opossum model achieves 98% accuracy, and the Amazon model has 92% recognition accuracy for 36 animals in 90% of the data. As Pytorch-Wildlife evolves, we aim to integrate more conservation tasks, addressing various environmental challenges. Pytorch-Wildlife is available at https://github.com/microsoft/CameraTraps.


  • Pytorch-Wildlife is an open-source AI framework built on PyTorch that aims to make deep learning accessible and scalable for wildlife monitoring.

  • The platform includes user-friendly features, supports modular integration, and offers transparency through comprehensive documentation and community-driven improvements.

  • The model zoo features MegaDetectorV6-compact, a highly efficient model for resource-constrained environments, and demonstrates high accuracy in various real-world applications like the Amazon Rainforest and Galápagos Islands.

Pytorch-Wildlife: An Open-Source AI Framework for Conservation


The rapid decline of global biodiversity has necessitated the development of scalable and efficient methods for wildlife monitoring. Traditional techniques, while effective, are labor-intensive and not feasible on a large scale. Recent advancements in deep learning, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have shown promise in automating the analysis of vast datasets generated by tools like camera traps and drones. However, the complexity and technical barriers associated with deploying these methods have limited their use among conservation practitioners. Addressing these challenges, the paper introduces Pytorch-Wildlife, an open-source platform designed to make deep learning accessible, scalable, and transparent for wildlife monitoring.

Core Components and Features

Pytorch-Wildlife is built on PyTorch and offers an intuitive interface for non-technical users to perform animal detection and classification from images and videos. It is designed around three main principles: accessibility, scalability, and transparency.


Pytorch-Wildlife is optimized for ease of use, with installation achievable via pip and compatibility with any operating system supporting Python. It includes user-friendly features such as visual guides, tutorials, and Jupyter/Google Colab notebooks. Moreover, the models are designed to run efficiently on local and low-end devices, eliminating the need for internet connectivity or high-end GPUs. For those preferring cloud-based implementations, a version is available on Hugging Face.


Given the diverse requirements of wildlife monitoring, Pytorch-Wildlife features a modular architecture that allows for easy integration of new models, features, and datasets. It includes utility functions for flexible data splitting (by location, time, season) and supports various output formats, including COCO, Timelapse, and EcoAssist. A classification fine-tuning module is also provided, enabling users to train customized recognition models, which can then be shared through the Pytorch-Wildlife model zoo.


The codebase of Pytorch-Wildlife is fully open-source, encouraging community contributions and enhancements. Comprehensive documentation and technical support are provided to assist users of all proficiency levels. The platform also includes a leaderboard for evaluating model performance on standardized test sets, facilitating transparent comparison and selection of suitable models for specific tasks.

Model Zoo and MegaDetectorV6

The platform's model zoo currently includes MegaDetectorV5 and three animal recognition models tailored for specific tasks and regions—the Amazon Rainforest, the Galápagos Islands, and the Serengeti National Park. The paper also introduces MegaDetectorV6-compact (MDv6-c), a new model trained using YOLOv9-compact architecture. MDv6-c contains one-sixth of the parameters of MegaDetectorV5 but achieves a recall rate of 0.85, 12 percentage points higher than its predecessor. This compact model is particularly suited for resource-constrained environments, making it more efficient for edge computing and smaller devices.

Real-World Applications

Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest dataset comprises 41,904 images across 36 genera. By leveraging Pytorch-Wildlife, detection and classification tasks are automated, filtering out non-relevant images and accurately classifying animal genera with an average recognition accuracy of 92% in 90% of the data. This significantly reduces the manual validation required, enhancing the efficiency of biodiversity monitoring.

Galápagos Islands

In the Galápagos Islands, Pytorch-Wildlife is used to detect invasive opossums. The dataset of 491,471 videos is processed by splitting into frames and applying MegaDetectorV5 followed by a classification model. The methodology achieves a 98% accuracy rate in differentiating opossums from other species. This high accuracy facilitates the timely management of invasive species, crucial for preserving the fragile ecosystem.

Conclusions and Future Work

Pytorch-Wildlife stands as a robust framework aiming to democratize the use of AI in conservation. By focusing on accessibility, scalability, and transparency, it bridges the gap between sophisticated deep learning technologies and conservationists in the field. Future developments will likely expand the range of conservation tasks supported, potentially integrating more advanced AI techniques such as transformer-based models and enhancing capabilities for various environmental challenges.

Ethical Considerations

To mitigate the risks associated with sharing spatial metadata, like exposing endangered species to poaching, Pytorch-Wildlife includes measures to generalize location information. Additionally, human images are removed to address privacy concerns.


The paper concludes with an extensive bibliography, providing a foundation for the claims and methodologies employed in Pytorch-Wildlife.

By enabling the efficient processing of wildlife data and fostering community involvement, Pytorch-Wildlife holds significant potential to advance conservation efforts globally.

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