Emergent Mind

DARK: Denoising, Amplification, Restoration Kit

Published May 21, 2024 in cs.CV


This paper introduces a novel lightweight computational framework for enhancing images under low-light conditions, utilizing advanced machine learning and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Traditional enhancement techniques often fail to adequately address issues like noise, color distortion, and detail loss in challenging lighting environments. Our approach leverages insights from the Retinex theory and recent advances in image restoration networks to develop a streamlined model that efficiently processes illumination components and integrates context-sensitive enhancements through optimized convolutional blocks. This results in significantly improved image clarity and color fidelity, while avoiding over-enhancement and unnatural color shifts. Crucially, our model is designed to be lightweight, ensuring low computational demand and suitability for real-time applications on standard consumer hardware. Performance evaluations confirm that our model not only surpasses existing methods in enhancing low-light images but also maintains a minimal computational footprint.

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