Emergent Mind


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are recognized as potent tools for processing real-world data organized in graph structures. Especially inductive GNNs, which enable the processing of graph-structured data without relying on predefined graph structures, are gaining importance in an increasingly wide variety of applications. As these networks demonstrate proficiency across a range of tasks, they become lucrative targets for model-stealing attacks where an adversary seeks to replicate the functionality of the targeted network. A large effort has been made to develop model-stealing attacks that focus on models trained with images and texts. However, little attention has been paid to GNNs trained on graph data. This paper introduces a novel method for unsupervised model-stealing attacks against inductive GNNs, based on graph contrasting learning and spectral graph augmentations to efficiently extract information from the target model. The proposed attack is thoroughly evaluated on six datasets. The results show that this approach demonstrates a higher level of efficiency compared to existing stealing attacks. More concretely, our attack outperforms the baseline on all benchmarks achieving higher fidelity and downstream accuracy of the stolen model while requiring fewer queries sent to the target model.

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