Emergent Mind


3D Gaussian Splatting showcases notable advancements in photo-realistic and real-time novel view synthesis. However, it faces challenges in modeling mirror reflections, which exhibit substantial appearance variations from different viewpoints. To tackle this problem, we present MirrorGaussian, the first method for mirror scene reconstruction with real-time rendering based on 3D Gaussian Splatting. The key insight is grounded on the mirror symmetry between the real-world space and the virtual mirror space. We introduce an intuitive dual-rendering strategy that enables differentiable rasterization of both the real-world 3D Gaussians and the mirrored counterpart obtained by reflecting the former about the mirror plane. All 3D Gaussians are jointly optimized with the mirror plane in an end-to-end framework. MirrorGaussian achieves high-quality and real-time rendering in scenes with mirrors, empowering scene editing like adding new mirrors and objects. Comprehensive experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms existing methods, achieving state-of-the-art results. Project page: https://mirror-gaussian.github.io/.

Ground truth vs. MirrorGaussian vs. top methods: high-quality, real-time rendering and scene editing.


  • MirrorGaussian is a novel method for reconstructing 3D scenes containing mirrors, integrating a dual-rendering strategy to achieve high-quality and real-time rendering.

  • The method involves accurately reflecting 3D Gaussian points and their properties across the mirror plane and combining real-world and reflected scenes to produce realistic mirror reflections.

  • MirrorGaussian surpasses traditional methods such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) in both quality and speed, offering significant practical and theoretical implications for applications like virtual reality and scene editing.

Reflecting 3D Gaussians for Realistic Mirror Reflections: MirrorGaussian Explained


Mirror reflections have always been a significant challenge in 3D scene reconstruction. Traditional methods like Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) often struggle to model the precise variations mirrors introduce from different viewpoints. Enter MirrorGaussian, a novel approach designed to tackle this problem head-on with an innovative dual-rendering strategy that brings real-time rendering and photo-realistic quality.

What is MirrorGaussian?

MirrorGaussian is an advanced method for reconstructing 3D scenes containing mirrors, achieving both high-quality and real-time rendering. It builds on the concept of 3D Gaussian Splatting but introduces a critical enhancement: the ability to accurately reflect and render mirror images in 3D scenes. The magic lies in its capability to apply mirror symmetry principles, allowing it to predict what should appear in the mirror based on the real-world scene.

How Does it Work?

Dual-Rendering Strategy

At the core of MirrorGaussian is a dual-rendering strategy. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  • Real-World Scene: Rendered using the actual 3D point cloud.
  • Mirror Scene: Created by reflecting the real-world 3D point cloud across the mirror plane.
  • Merging: Combine both renderings using a mirror mask to produce the final image.

This approach ensures that both the scene outside the mirror and inside the mirror (the reflection) are accurately represented in real-time.

Steps to Reflect 3D Gaussians

  1. Identify the Mirror Plane: Utilize initial rough estimates from Structure-from-Motion data and refine using optimization techniques.
  2. Reflect the 3D Points: Apply mathematical transformations to reflect the 3D Gaussian points and their properties, ensuring accurate reflection attributes.
  3. Render Both Worlds: Use efficient rasterization to render the real-world and mirror scenes.

By reflecting the key attributes of 3D Gaussians, including their location and orientation, MirrorGaussian can accurately simulate the mirrored scene.

Results that Speak Volumes

MirrorGaussian outshines existing methods quantitatively and qualitatively across several benchmark scenes. Here are some of the metrics that stand out:

  • PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio): 27.78 for MirrorGaussian vs. 26.54 for MS-NeRF and 25.03 for 3DGS.
  • LPIPS (Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity): 0.059 for MirrorGaussian vs. higher values for other methods, indicating greater perceptual similarity to the ground truth.
  • Rendering Speed: A striking 154 frames per second, compared to a sluggish 0.012 fps for MS-NeRF.

These numbers indicate MirrorGaussian’s superior ability to balance quality and efficiency.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Implications

  1. Scene Editing: The ability to add new objects and mirrors convincingly into a scene opens up numerous possibilities in augmented reality and virtual content creation.
  2. Real-Time Applications: High rendering speeds make it suitable for real-time applications like virtual reality (VR) and interactive simulations.

Theoretical Implications

  1. Improved Reflective Modeling: This technique advances the theoretical groundwork for accurately rendering complex reflective surfaces, which has traditionally been a complex task for volumetric models.
  2. End-to-End Optimization: Jointly optimizing 3D points and the mirror plane in an end-to-end framework could influence future research in more dynamic and autonomous 3D scene reconstruction.

Speculations for Future Developments

  1. Simplified Segmentation: Integrating more advanced AI-driven segmentation could simplify the process of identifying mirror planes, reducing manual preprocessing.
  2. Optimized Rendering Regions: Focusing dual-rendering efforts solely on mirror regions, as opposed to the entire frame, could streamline performance further.


MirrorGaussian marks a significant step forward in the intricate task of 3D scene reconstruction involving mirrors. Its dual-rendering approach and robust optimization strategies set a new benchmark for both quality and efficiency. While the method is impressive, future refinements could push these boundaries even further, simplifying the process and broadening its applications.

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