Emergent Mind

Ensemble and Mixture-of-Experts DeepONets For Operator Learning

Published May 20, 2024 in cs.LG


We present a novel deep operator network (DeepONet) architecture for operator learning, the ensemble DeepONet, that allows for enriching the trunk network of a single DeepONet with multiple distinct trunk networks. This trunk enrichment allows for greater expressivity and generalization capabilities over a range of operator learning problems. We also present a spatial mixture-of-experts (MoE) DeepONet trunk network architecture that utilizes a partition-of-unity (PoU) approximation to promote spatial locality and model sparsity in the operator learning problem. We first prove that both the ensemble and PoU-MoE DeepONets are universal approximators. We then demonstrate that ensemble DeepONets containing a trunk ensemble of a standard trunk, the PoU-MoE trunk, and/or a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) trunk can achieve 2-4x lower relative $\ell_2$ errors than standard DeepONets and POD-DeepONets on both standard and challenging new operator learning problems involving partial differential equations (PDEs) in two and three dimensions. Our new PoU-MoE formulation provides a natural way to incorporate spatial locality and model sparsity into any neural network architecture, while our new ensemble DeepONet provides a powerful and general framework for incorporating basis enrichment in scientific machine learning architectures for operator learning.

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