Emergent Mind


Recent advancements in machine translation (MT) have significantly enhanced translation quality across various domains. However, the translation of literary texts remains a formidable challenge due to their complex language, figurative expressions, and cultural nuances. In this work, we introduce a novel multi-agent framework based on LLMs for literary translation, implemented as a company called TransAgents, which mirrors traditional translation publication process by leveraging the collective capabilities of multiple agents, to address the intricate demands of translating literary works. To evaluate the effectiveness of our system, we propose two innovative evaluation strategies: Monolingual Human Preference (MHP) and Bilingual LLM Preference (BLP). MHP assesses translations from the perspective of monolingual readers of the target language, while BLP uses advanced LLMs to compare translations directly with the original texts. Empirical findings indicate that despite lower d-BLEU scores, translations from TransAgents are preferred by both human evaluators and LLMs over human-written references, particularly in genres requiring domain-specific knowledge. We also highlight the strengths and limitations of TransAgents through case studies and suggests directions for future research.

TransAgents, a virtual multi-agent system for literary translation.


  • TransAgents is a multi-agent system designed to address the complexities of literary translation by employing various 'agents' with distinct roles, including senior and junior editors, translators, localization specialists, and proofreaders.

  • The system uses innovative collaboration strategies and evaluation methods such as Monolingual Human Preference (MHP) and Bilingual LLM Preference (BLP) to ensure high-quality translations that preserve cultural and stylistic elements, despite lower BLEU scores.

  • TransAgents has demonstrated significant strengths, including high human and AI preference scores and cost efficiency, but faces challenges like content omission and consistency across chapters, suggesting areas for future refinement and development.

TransAgents: A Multi-Agent System for Literary Translation


Literary translation is often cited as one of the most demanding tasks in the field of machine translation (MT). This complexity arises from the need to preserve figurative language, cultural references, and stylistic elements. In response to this challenge, a fresh approach was introduced called TransAgents, a multi-agent system designed specifically for literary translations. This article will help unpack the main ideas behind this innovative framework.

The Multi-Agent Setup

TransAgents operates like a virtual company, employing various "agents" to tackle different aspects of translating a literary work, much like a traditional publishing house. Let's break down the key points:

  1. Roles and Responsibilities:

    • Senior and Junior Editors: Oversee the translation process, ensuring the end product aligns with the original text's style and tone.
    • Translators and Localization Specialists: Convert the text while adapting it to the target culture.
    • Proofreaders: Critically review the text to ensure linguistic accuracy.
  2. Collaboration Strategies:

    • Addition-by-Subtraction Collaboration: Two agents work in tandem—one adds as much detail as possible and the other trims unnecessary parts.
    • Trilateral Collaboration: Involves three agents each with specific roles—one generates content, one critiques it, and another makes final judgments on quality.

Novel Evaluation Methods

Assessing literary translations isn't as straightforward as evaluating technical documents. Standard metrics like BLEU often fall short. Therefore, TransAgents employs two innovative methods:

  1. Monolingual Human Preference (MHP): Human readers who do not understand the source language evaluate translations to see which version resonates better in terms of readability, fluidity, and cultural appropriateness.
  2. Bilingual LLM Preference (BLP): Advanced language models compare the translations directly against the original texts, focusing on maintaining the essence of the source material.

Results and Performance

Interestingly, while TransAgents achieved lower BLEU scores, it was favored by both human evaluators and LLMs over translations by human references, particularly in genres like historical contexts and cultural nuances. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Preference Results: TransAgents' translations were preferred over both human and other machine-generated translations. For instance, in BLP evaluations, TransAgents outperformed by a noticeable margin.
  • Linguistic Diversity: TransAgents excelled in preserving the richness and diversity of the language, producing more vivid and engaging translations.
  • Cost Efficiency: TransAgents significantly reduced translation costs—by approximately 80 times—compared to traditional human translators.

Strengths and Limitations


  • High Preference Scores: Despite lower BLEU scores, human judges and LLMs preferred TransAgents' outputs.
  • Cultural Adaptation: The system successfully adapted texts culturally, improving reader engagement.


  • Content Omission: Both TransAgents and other models experienced issues with content omission. Further refinement is needed to ensure no vital content is lost.
  • Consistency: Ensuring consistency across chapters remains a challenging task.

Implications for AI and Future Research

The introduction of multi-agent systems like TransAgents opens new avenues for applying AI in complex linguistic tasks. Here are a few thoughts on future developments:

  • Enhanced Modeling: Optimizing agent roles and improving their integration could further enhance translation quality.
  • Adaptive Evaluation Metrics: Developing more sophisticated metrics that capture the subjective and nuanced nature of literary texts will be essential.
  • Scalability and Versatility: Expanding the system's capabilities to handle other forms of creative writing, such as scripts or poetry, could be tremendously beneficial.


TransAgents demonstrates the potential of multi-agent systems in tackling the nuanced challenges of literary translation. While the system shows promising results in terms of human and AI preferences, it also highlights areas where improvements are necessary. Future research and development could build on these insights to create even more sophisticated translation tools, leveraging the collective intelligence of collaborative AI agents.

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