Emergent Mind

Unifying 3D Vision-Language Understanding via Promptable Queries

Published May 19, 2024 in cs.CV


A unified model for 3D vision-language (3D-VL) understanding is expected to take various scene representations and perform a wide range of tasks in a 3D scene. However, a considerable gap exists between existing methods and such a unified model, due to the independent application of representation and insufficient exploration of 3D multi-task training. In this paper, we introduce PQ3D, a unified model capable of using Promptable Queries to tackle a wide range of 3D-VL tasks, from low-level instance segmentation to high-level reasoning and planning. This is achieved through three key innovations: (1) unifying various 3D scene representations (i.e., voxels, point clouds, multi-view images) into a shared 3D coordinate space by segment-level grouping, (2) an attention-based query decoder for task-specific information retrieval guided by prompts, and (3) universal output heads for different tasks to support multi-task training. Tested across ten diverse 3D-VL datasets, PQ3D demonstrates impressive performance on these tasks, setting new records on most benchmarks. Particularly, PQ3D improves the state-of-the-art on ScanNet200 by 1.8% (AP), ScanRefer by 5.4% ([email protected]), Multi3DRefer by 11.7% ([email protected]), and Scan2Cap by 13.4% ([email protected]). Moreover, PQ3D supports flexible inference with individual or combined forms of available 3D representations, e.g., solely voxel input.

PQ3D model architecture: Task Prompt Encoding, 3D Scene Encoding, and Prompt-guided Query Learning modules.


  • The paper introduces PQ3D, a unified model designed to tackle a variety of tasks in 3D vision-language understanding using promptable queries.

  • It utilizes three key components: unified scene representations, an attention-based query decoder, and universal output heads for multi-task training.

  • The model sets new benchmarks across several 3D-VL tasks, including instance segmentation, visual grounding, question answering, and dense captioning.

Unifying 3D Vision-Language Understanding via Promptable Queries: An Expert Overview

The paper "Unifying 3D Vision-Language Understanding via Promptable Queries" introduces PQ3D, an ambitious unified model designed to address the wide spectrum of tasks in 3D vision-language (3D-VL) understanding. The proposed model leverages promptable queries to effectively encompass various scene representations and task-specific requirements. This essay provides an insightful overview of the technical intricacies, evaluation results, and potential implications of PQ3D for the broader AI research community.

Key Technical Contributions

The PQ3D model stands on three primary technical pillars: the unification of diverse 3D scene representations, an attention-based query decoder, and universal output heads for multi-task training.

  1. Unified Scene Representations: The authors propose a method to represent 3D scenes using multiple formats — voxels, point clouds, and multi-view images — and integrate them into a shared 3D coordinate space. This integration involves unsupervised grouping of point clouds into larger segments and pooling features at the segment level, facilitating scalable and efficient training.

  2. Attention-Based Query Decoder: PQ3D employs an innovative attention-based query decoder that guides the retrieval of task-specific information from aligned scene features. The decoder iteratively refines the instance queries through interactions with 3D scene features and task prompts, implemented through cross-attention and spatial self-attention mechanisms.

  3. Multi-Task Output Heads: To handle the diverse range of 3D-VL tasks, the architecture includes universal output heads: a mask head for instance segmentation, a grounding head for task-relevance scoring, and a generation head for text responses. These heads are aligned with task-specific requirements, ensuring coherent and accurate task execution.

Evaluation and Numerical Results

The paper extensively evaluates PQ3D across ten different 3D-VL datasets, encompassing tasks such as instance segmentation, visual grounding, question answering, dense captioning, and embodied navigation.

  • Instance Segmentation: On the ScanNet200 dataset, PQ3D achieves an AP of 20.2%, an AP@50 of 28.0%, and an AP@25 of 32.5%, setting new records in promptable segmentation modes. The model demonstrates significant improvements over existing baselines, particularly on fine-grained metrics like head, common, and tail classes.
  • Visual Grounding: PQ3D outperforms existing methods across benchmarks such as ScanRefer (46.2% [email protected]), Nr3D (66.7% accuracy), Sr3D (79.7% accuracy), and Multi3DRefer (50.1% average [email protected]). It consistently achieves notable accuracy gains over task-specific state-of-the-art methods.
  • Question Answering and Dense Captioning: On ScanQA, PQ3D sets new records in BLEU-1, METEOR, and CIDEr metrics. Additionally, for the Scan2Cap dataset, the model reaches a CIDEr score of 80.3%, showcasing substantial advancements in natural language generation tasks grounded in 3D scenes.

Broader Implications and Future Directions

The development of PQ3D marks a significant stride towards a more holistic and integrated approach to 3D-VL tasks. By demonstrating the feasibility of a unified model capable of handling various scene representations and task prompts, this research paves the way for several future developments:

  • Enhanced Embodied Agents: The ability of PQ3D to interpret and act upon diverse 3D environments closely aligns with the needs of embodied AI. Future work could explore deeper integrations of similar unified models with robotic systems, emphasizing tasks like dynamic scene understanding and interactive task planning.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: The flexible nature of PQ3D supports inference with varying combinations of scene features. Future research could focus on optimizing computational efficiency without compromising on performance, investigating the balance between model complexity and real-time applicability.
  • Instruction Tuning with LLMs: The paper hints at potential enhancements via instruction tuning with LLMs. This direction could augment PQ3D’s capabilities, enabling more complex interactive and dialog-based tasks, thus broadening its utility in real-world applications.

In conclusion, PQ3D offers a powerful, unified solution for multi-task 3D vision-language understanding. This comprehensive model not only sets new benchmarks across various tasks but also establishes a foundation for future research in integrated AI systems, reinforcing the importance of holistic approaches in the advancement of embodied intelligence.

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