Emergent Mind

Smooth Kolmogorov Arnold networks enabling structural knowledge representation

Published May 18, 2024 in cs.LG , cond-mat.dis-nn , cs.AI , and stat.ML


Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) offer an efficient and interpretable alternative to traditional multi-layer perceptron (MLP) architectures due to their finite network topology. However, according to the results of Kolmogorov and Vitushkin, the representation of generic smooth functions by KAN implementations using analytic functions constrained to a finite number of cutoff points cannot be exact. Hence, the convergence of KAN throughout the training process may be limited. This paper explores the relevance of smoothness in KANs, proposing that smooth, structurally informed KANs can achieve equivalence to MLPs in specific function classes. By leveraging inherent structural knowledge, KANs may reduce the data required for training and mitigate the risk of generating hallucinated predictions, thereby enhancing model reliability and performance in computational biomedicine.

RMSE convergence of structured XGBoost regressor model for predicting target variables z and z'.


  • The paper explores Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) as an alternative to Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) for function approximation, focusing on their structure that allows for effective training with less data.

  • A significant challenge for KANs is their smoothness constraint, which impacts their ability to accurately approximate functions and depends on the dimensionality and smoothness of the input functions.

  • Despite smoothness limitations, KANs can be highly effective in fields like biomedical computing by reducing training data requirements and enhancing extrapolation capabilities through structurally informed network models.

Exploring Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs): A Smoother Path to Function Approximation


Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) offer data scientists a new approach to approximating functions, distinct from the more commonly used Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs). Traditional MLPs have many layers and nodes to capture complex relationships, whereas KANs utilize a finite, a priori defined network structure to achieve similar goals. This paper discusses the limits and potential of KANs, particularly focusing on their smoothness and ability to train effectively with less data.

Understanding KANs vs. MLPs

KANs stand out because:

  • They can represent continuous functions using a network with just one hidden layer and $2n+1$ univariate nonlinear nodes.
  • These nodes are intertwined through linear functional nodes, creating a complex but determined system that can avoid the extensive parameter search typical in MLPs.

The Smoothness Challenge

One significant obstacle for KANs lies in their struggle with smoothness:

  • Vitushkin's theorem indicates that KANs cannot represent all smooth functions if the node functions themselves are required to be smooth.
  • This smoothness constraint leads to potential convergence issues during training, affecting how well KANs can approximate certain functions.

Navigating Smoothness Constraints

The paper highlights several key points regarding the impact of smoothness:

  • Implementing smooth node functions $\left(u_i\right)$ in a KAN with lower dimensions than the overall input function ($n' < n$) constraints the overall smoothness $k'$ of these nodes.
  • Accurate function approximations require that the smoothness $k'$ of nodes is proportional to the smoothness $k$ of the target function, constrained by the input/output dimensionality ratio $\left(\frac{k'}{n'} \leq \frac{k}{n}\right)$.

The technical deep dive reveals that higher-order derivatives of the network's functions are bound by the number of parameters in the KAN. This creates a limitation on how smooth a function can be and still be represented accurately by the network.

Practical Implications

This smoothness limitation doesn't spell doom for KANs:

  • They still hold significant promise in fields like biomedical computing, where integrating structural knowledge can dramatically reduce the amount of training data needed.
  • Implementing a smooth KAN structured according to the specific properties of the function or system being modeled can yield high accuracy and better predictive performance in sparse datasets.
  • Using tree-structured network models ensures that the constraints of smoothness are managed better, retaining the explanatory power and efficiency of KANs.

Showcasing Structurally Informed KANs

Structurally informed smooth KANs (or hybrid models) provide some exciting possibilities:

  • Significantly reduced training data requirements.
  • Better extrapolation capabilities in sparsely sampled areas.

In practice, these networks have been successfully applied in areas such as chemical engineering and medical data analytics. For example, the TensorFlow implementation available online showcases real-world use cases where structurally informed KANs lead to successful predictions and higher model acceptance.

Experimental Insights

An experiment described in the paper demonstrates the power of model structure:

  • A network structure tailored to the function $z = x12 x2 + y1 y22$ comfortably minimized the training error.
  • Conversely, the same structure struggled with the function $z' = x1 y1 y2 + x1 x2 y2$, highlighting that not all functions fit within the network's representable function space.

XGBoost_z_vs_z_prime.png Figure: illustrates the concept, showing convergence of the validation RMSE for a well-suited function ($z$) vs. a non-suited one ($z'$).


This paper presents a nuanced view of KANs, focusing on their ability to approximate functions in a data-efficient and interpretable manner. However, the critical factor to their success lies in understanding and managing the smoothness constraints. Integrating known structures of functions into KANs shows promise for achieving impressive results, particularly in fields requiring robust extrapolations and clear interpretability.

As AI continues to evolve, exploring new architectures like KANs and leveraging deep domain knowledge could hold the key to more reliable, efficient, and comprehensible models.


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