Emergent Mind

Observational Scaling Laws and the Predictability of Language Model Performance

Published May 17, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.CL , and stat.ML


Understanding how language model performance varies with scale is critical to benchmark and algorithm development. Scaling laws are one approach to building this understanding, but the requirement of training models across many different scales has limited their use. We propose an alternative, observational approach that bypasses model training and instead builds scaling laws from ~80 publically available models. Building a single scaling law from multiple model families is challenging due to large variations in their training compute efficiencies and capabilities. However, we show that these variations are consistent with a simple, generalized scaling law where language model performance is a function of a low-dimensional capability space, and model families only vary in their efficiency in converting training compute to capabilities. Using this approach, we show the surprising predictability of complex scaling phenomena: we show that several emergent phenomena follow a smooth, sigmoidal behavior and are predictable from small models; we show that the agent performance of models such as GPT-4 can be precisely predicted from simpler non-agentic benchmarks; and we show how to predict the impact of post-training interventions like Chain-of-Thought and Self-Consistency as language model capabilities continue to improve.

Observational scaling laws predict model capabilities using low-cost, standardized benchmarks and public language models.


  • The paper introduces 'observational scaling laws' as a cost-effective method to understand how LLMs scale in performance, using data from 80 publicly available models instead of training new ones.

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to validate this approach, showing that a few principal components can explain most of the variance in model performance, with a log-linear relationship between compute resources used and performance gains.

  • The study demonstrates that observational scaling laws can predict performance in tasks such as arithmetic, agent-based activities, and post-training enhancements, providing a resource-efficient alternative to traditional scaling methods.

Understanding Scaling Laws in Language Models

LLMs are the rock stars of NLP these days, dazzling us with their ability to generate text, summarize information, translate languages, and even code. But, like all things tech, they come with their own set of challenges and curiosities. One burning question in the community is how these models scale: essentially, how does changing the size or the compute resources impact their performance? And predictably, this paper we're diving into today presents a new twist on understanding language model scaling. Let's break it down!

Key Ideas and Approach

The traditional way of studying how LLMs scale is pretty compute-intensive. It involves training multiple models from scratch across a range of sizes and computing power configurations to identify patterns or "scaling laws". This paper proposes a more cost-effective approach. Instead of training new models, it analyzes data from around 80 publicly available LLMs, aiming to derive scaling laws from their observed performance.

What's novel here is the utilization of what's termed "observational scaling laws". This approach hinges on the hypothesis that LLM performance can be mapped to a low-dimensional space of fundamental capabilities (like natural language understanding, reasoning, code generation, etc.). By doing so, it suggests that different models' performance can be compared and predicted based on how efficiently they convert compute resources into these capabilities.

Validation and Results

The authors validate their hypothesis through some rigorous number crunching and analysis:

  1. Principal Component Analysis (PCA): By applying PCA to performance data from various benchmarks, they found that a few principal components could explain most of the variance in model performance. For instance, the first principal component (PC1) alone accounted for about 80% of the variability. Simple metrics like general knowledge, reasoning, and programming proficiency could be correlated with these components.
  2. Log-Linear Relationship with Compute: They demonstrated a linear correlation between these capability measures and the log of the compute spent on training, suggesting that their observational scaling laws hold water. This means that we can predict how a model will perform as we scale compute, purely based on its observed capability dimensions.

Strong Numerical Results

It's one thing to have a cool idea, but it's the numbers that do the talking. Here's how the paper's approach stood up:

  • Emergent Capabilities: Previous work has suggested that certain LLM capabilities emerge suddenly and unpredictably as model scale increases. By applying observational scaling laws, the authors showed that these capabilities often follow a smooth, predictable curve. They accurately forecasted performance jumps in tasks like arithmetic and word unscrambling using only smaller models' data, outperforming traditional compute-based scaling predictions.
  • Agentic Capabilities: When it comes to complex agent tasks (where LLMs act as autonomous agents), observational scaling laws precisely predicted the performance of advanced models like GPT-4 using weaker models' data.
  • Post-Training Techniques: Techniques such as Chain-of-Thought and Self-Consistency are ways to enhance LLM performance after initial training. The paper showed that their gains could be predictively scaled using their approach. Interestingly, Chain-of-Thought showed more promise as model scale increased compared to Self-Consistency.

Implications and Future Directions

This research has several exciting implications:

  1. Cost-Efficiency in Research: By relying on existing models and benchmarks, researchers can explore scaling behavior and predict future performance without the substantial costs associated with training multiple large models from scratch.
  2. Algorithmic Benchmarking: It provides a more refined method for evaluating new algorithms and interventions. With higher resolution insights, the community can create more effective algorithms tailored for large-scale models.
  3. Training Recipes: The method also sheds light on how different training recipes (e.g., models specifically trained on programming data) impact scalability, which could inform better training protocols for future models.

Speculation on Future Developments

  • Enhanced Scalability Metrics: Incorporating these low-dimensional capability measures could lead to new benchmarking standards, making it simpler to compare models uniformly and fairly.
  • Optimized Model Development: Future work might involve refining pre-training protocols by optimizing for these principal capabilities, potentially resulting in LLMs that achieve higher performance with fewer resources.
  • Broader Adoption: As these techniques are validated further, they may be adopted widely for both academic research and industry applications, facilitating faster, more cost-effective innovations in LLMs and AI at large.


This paper takes a significant step forward in demystifying how LLMs scale and perform. By leveraging observational scaling laws, it offers a more resource-efficient and high-resolution approach to predict model performance, paving the way for more informed and strategic advancements in AI. Whether you're a data scientist, AI researcher, or just an enthusiast, these insights can help you better understand and navigate the fascinating world of language models. Happy scaling!

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