Emergent Mind

SignLLM: Sign Languages Production Large Language Models

Published May 17, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.CL


In this paper, we introduce the first comprehensive multilingual sign language dataset named Prompt2Sign, which builds from public data including American Sign Language (ASL) and seven others. Our dataset transforms a vast array of videos into a streamlined, model-friendly format, optimized for training with translation models like seq2seq and text2text. Building on this new dataset, we propose SignLLM, the first multilingual Sign Language Production (SLP) model, which includes two novel multilingual SLP modes that allow for the generation of sign language gestures from input text or prompt. Both of the modes can use a new loss and a module based on reinforcement learning, which accelerates the training by enhancing the model's capability to autonomously sample high-quality data. We present benchmark results of SignLLM, which demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on SLP tasks across eight sign languages.

Data types, training process, and output conversion of the Prompt2Sign dataset and models.


  • The paper introduces 'SignLLM,' a large-scale multilingual model designed to generate sign language gestures from textual input, addressing significant gaps in Sign Language Production (SLP).

  • The authors developed the 'Prompt2Sign' dataset, optimizing it for model training by extracting key gestures and postures using tools like OpenPose, increasing efficiency and reducing storage requirements.

  • The model operates in two modes—Multi-Language Switching Framework (MLSF) and Prompt2LangGloss—and utilizes reinforcement learning to achieve state-of-the-art performance across various sign languages, including low-resource languages.

Comprehensive Review of "SignLLM: Sign Languages Production LLMs"

The paper "SignLLM: Sign Languages Production LLMs" by Fang et al. presents a pioneering approach to Sign Language Production (SLP) by introducing SignLLM, a large-scale multilingual model for generating sign language gestures from textual input. This model addresses significant gaps in the automation and efficiency of SLP, particularly in processing complex sign languages across multiple linguistic backgrounds. The authors introduce two novel modes - Multi-Language Switching Framework (MLSF) and Prompt2LangGloss - and utilize a custom-built dataset named Prompt2Sign to streamline the training and inference processes.

Dataset Construction and Characteristics

The Prompt2Sign dataset is a critical cornerstone of the authors' contributions. This dataset transforms a variety of sign language videos into a format optimized for model training, particularly focusing on upper-body movements relevant to sign language. The authors deploy tools like OpenPose for extracting 2D keypoints from video frames and subsequently standardizing this data into h5 and txt formats. These formats, featuring key gestures and postures, reduce redundancy and enhance the training efficiency for textual-based models (e.g., seq2seq).

Key dataset characteristics include:

  • Coverage: Spanning eight languages, including high-resource languages (e.g., American Sign Language, ASL) and low-resource languages (e.g., Swiss German Sign Language, DSGS).
  • Efficiency: The dataset reduces storage requirements by approximately 80% compared to traditional video files.
  • Automation: The dataset leverages tools to reduce manual annotation and processing labor, facilitating broader applicability.

SignLLM Models and Architectures

The introduction of SignLLM marks a significant step forward in multilingual SLP research. The model operates in two distinct modes:

Multi-Language Switching Framework (MLSF):

  • Architecture: Implements separate encoder-decoder pairs for each language, allowing for parallel sign language production without semantic confusion.
  • Objective: Enhance the model’s flexibility and reduce the complexity of adding or removing languages.


  • Architecture: Enhances traditional Text2Gloss models by integrating a language-specific gloss marker, enabling better handling of complex natural language inputs.
  • Objective: Improve the model's understanding of complex prompts and reduce reliance on manually annotated glosses.

Both modes utilize a novel reinforcement learning (RL) based loss function to expedite training and ensure robust learning across extensive and diverse linguistic datasets. The Priority Learning Channel (PLC) within RL further optimizes training by prioritizing high-value data samples.

Model Performance and Benchmarking

Quantitative evaluations reveal that SignLLM achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance across multiple languages. Specific findings include:

  • ASL and GSL Performance: SignLLM significantly outperforms previous models on the ASL and GSL portions of the dataset, with improvements in BLEU-4 and ROUGE scores.
  • Low-Resource Languages: The model maintains strong performance in low-resource languages, demonstrating its robustness and scalability.

The paper also includes comprehensive ablation studies showing the impact of various model components, such as the RL loss function and PLC, highlighting significant improvements in training efficiency and model performance.

Practical Implications and Future Directions

The practical implications of this research are manifold:

  • Sign Language Education: The model can serve as an educational tool, providing automated, high-quality sign language translations to facilitate learning.
  • Communication Aids: It can assist non-sign language users in communicating with the deaf community, enhancing inclusivity.
  • Real-Time Interpretation: Potential applications include real-time sign language interpretation for broadcasts and public services, significantly improving accessibility for the deaf community.

The theoretical implications suggest a shift towards more integrated and automated approaches in SLP, leveraging advancements in LLMs and reinforcement learning. The authors suggest future developments could focus on refining the model's accuracy and expanding its linguistic capabilities, particularly for underrepresented and minority sign languages.


Overall, "SignLLM: Sign Languages Production LLMs" by Fang et al. presents a significant advancement in the field of SLP, introducing robust multilingual capabilities through innovative dataset processing and model architecture. The model’s ability to handle complex inputs and its efficiency in training set a new standard for future research, with profound implications for both practical applications and theoretical explorations in generative AI for sign languages.

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