Emergent Mind

Subgradient Convergence Implies Subdifferential Convergence on Weakly Convex Functions: With Uniform Rates Guarantees

Published May 16, 2024 in math.OC , math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


In nonsmooth, nonconvex stochastic optimization, understanding the uniform convergence of subdifferential mappings is crucial for analyzing stationary points of sample average approximations of risk as they approach the population risk. Yet, characterizing this convergence remains a fundamental challenge. This work introduces a novel perspective by connecting the uniform convergence of subdifferential mappings to that of subgradient mappings as empirical risk converges to the population risk. We prove that, for stochastic weakly-convex objectives, and within any open set, a uniform bound on the convergence of subgradients -- chosen arbitrarily from the corresponding subdifferential sets -- translates to a uniform bound on the convergence of the subdifferential sets itself, measured by the Hausdorff metric. Using this technique, we derive uniform convergence rates for subdifferential sets of stochastic convex-composite objectives. Our results do not rely on key distributional assumptions in the literature, which require the population and finite sample subdifferentials to be continuous in the Hausdorff metric, yet still provide tight convergence rates. These guarantees lead to new insights into the nonsmooth landscapes of such objectives within finite samples.

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