Emergent Mind


Multi-task learning (MTL) is a learning paradigm that enables the simultaneous training of multiple communicating algorithms. Although MTL has been successfully applied to ether regression or classification tasks alone, incorporating mixed types of tasks into a unified MTL framework remains challenging, primarily due to variations in the magnitudes of losses associated with different tasks. This challenge, particularly evident in MTL applications with joint feature selection, often results in biased selections. To overcome this obstacle, we propose a provable loss weighting scheme that analytically determines the optimal weights for balancing regression and classification tasks. This scheme significantly mitigates the otherwise biased feature selection. Building upon this scheme, we introduce MTLComb, an MTL algorithm and software package encompassing optimization procedures, training protocols, and hyperparameter estimation procedures. MTLComb is designed for learning shared predictors among tasks of mixed types. To showcase the efficacy of MTLComb, we conduct tests on both simulated data and biomedical studies pertaining to sepsis and schizophrenia.


  • MTLComb is an innovative approach that combines regression and classification tasks in multi-task learning (MTL) to enhance joint feature selection and improve prediction performance.

  • The paper introduces a loss weighting scheme to balance regression and classification tasks and demonstrates MTLComb's superior accuracy in both simulated scenarios and real-world biomedical case studies.

  • MTLComb's joint feature selection provides better model interpretability and stability, making it applicable for various complex datasets and paving the way for integrative analytical methods.

Exploring MTLComb: Combining Regression and Classification for Joint Feature Selection


Hey there! Ever found yourself tangled in the debate of whether to use regression or classification models? Well, the paper titled “MTLComb: multi-task learning combining regression and classification tasks for joint feature selection” addresses this dilemma head-on by introducing an innovative approach that spans across both regression and classification tasks. Let’s break down the key points and see what this research brings to the table.

What is Multi-Task Learning (MTL)?

Multi-task Learning (MTL) allows models to learn simultaneously from multiple tasks, leveraging the commonalities and differences across these tasks. It’s useful for:

  • Enhancing generalization by pooling data from related tasks.
  • Tackling data scarcity by sharing information across tasks.
  • Improving prediction performance through joint learning.

Here’s where the twist in our tale starts: While MTL usually focuses on tasks of the same type (e.g., all regression or all classification), MTLComb ventures into combining regression and classification tasks. This same-source, different-task problem introduces unique challenges, especially with balancing the losses from different types of tasks.

The MTLComb Approach

MTLComb (short for Multi-Task Learning Combination) goes beyond conventional MTL by optimizing joint feature selection for both regression and classification tasks. Here’s the essence of what makes MTLComb interesting:

  1. Loss Weighting Scheme: MTLComb uses a provable loss weighting scheme to balance out the losses from regression and classification tasks. Simply put, it analytically determines the optimal weights to apply to each type of task, ensuring neither takes undue precedence over the other.
  2. Joint Feature Selection: By identifying features that are relevant for both types of tasks, MTLComb enhances the interpretability of the model. This cross-relevance is vital for understanding underlying patterns in complex data.

Practical Applications

To validate the efficacy of MTLComb, the authors conducted simulation analyses and biomedical case studies:

Simulation Results

In simulations involving mixed regression and classification tasks:

  • Prediction Performance: MTLComb consistently outperformed other machine learning approaches, particularly in high-dimensional settings.
  • Feature Selection Accuracy: It showcased superior accuracy in identifying relevant features compared to standard methods.

Case Study 1: Sepsis Prediction

Sepsis, a critical condition causing widespread inflammation in the body, was analyzed using MTLComb. The model was trained to predict various outcomes such as diagnosing sepsis (classification) and measuring metabolic and kidney functions (regression). Here’s what they found:

  • Prediction Performance: MTLComb exhibited competitive performance, achieving an average AUC of approximately 0.73.
  • Model Stability: It demonstrated higher model stability and reproducibility in identifying biological markers associated with sepsis compared to traditional methods like Ridge regression.

Case Study 2: Schizophrenia Prediction

For schizophrenia, the researchers aimed to identify age-dependent markers:

  • Validations: MTLComb captured gene markers predictive of both age and schizophrenia diagnosis, validated in an independent cohort.
  • Biological Interpretation: Pathway analysis revealed significant associations with synaptic signaling pathways, previously linked to schizophrenia and aging.

Implications and Future Directions

MTLComb isn’t just about mixing and matching tasks. Its implications are pretty profound:

  • Enhanced Interpretability: By ensuring joint feature selection, it aids better understanding of the predictors influencing both regression and classification outcomes.
  • Adaptable Weighting: The flexible loss weighting scheme means it can be tailored for various complex datasets, making it highly adaptable.

Looking forward, there’s a potential to integrate more loss types, broadening MTLComb's applicability. For instance, adding a Poisson regression model could help in predicting count data, such as hospital stays.


MTLComb stands as a sophisticated method that bridges the gap between regression and classification tasks in the MTL framework. It not only enhances prediction accuracy but also ensures that the selected predictors are meaningful across different types of outcomes. This approach could pave the way for more integrative analytical methods in fields ranging from biomedicine to complex systems modeling.

So, if you’re grappling with whether to regress or classify, you might just need to MTLCombine both! Feel free to check out the Code on GitHub for a hands-on with this innovative approach.

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