Emergent Mind

Parallel Backpropagation for Shared-Feature Visualization

Published May 16, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.LG


High-level visual brain regions contain subareas in which neurons appear to respond more strongly to examples of a particular semantic category, like faces or bodies, rather than objects. However, recent work has shown that while this finding holds on average, some out-of-category stimuli also activate neurons in these regions. This may be due to visual features common among the preferred class also being present in other images. Here, we propose a deep-learning-based approach for visualizing these features. For each neuron, we identify relevant visual features driving its selectivity by modelling responses to images based on latent activations of a deep neural network. Given an out-of-category image which strongly activates the neuron, our method first identifies a reference image from the preferred category yielding a similar feature activation pattern. We then backpropagate latent activations of both images to the pixel level, while enhancing the identified shared dimensions and attenuating non-shared features. The procedure highlights image regions containing shared features driving responses of the model neuron. We apply the algorithm to novel recordings from body-selective regions in macaque IT cortex in order to understand why some images of objects excite these neurons. Visualizations reveal object parts which resemble parts of a macaque body, shedding light on neural preference of these objects.

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