Emergent Mind

Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Solar Coronal Holes Using Computer Vision and LSTM Networks

Published May 16, 2024 in astro-ph.SR , astro-ph.EP , cs.AI , and cs.LG


In the era of space exploration, coronal holes on the sun play a significant role due to their impact on satellites and aircraft through their open magnetic fields and increased solar wind emissions. This study employs computer vision techniques to detect coronal hole regions and estimate their sizes using imagery from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Additionally, we utilize deep learning methods, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, to analyze trends in the area of coronal holes and predict their areas across various solar regions over a span of seven days. By examining time series data, we aim to identify patterns in coronal hole behavior and understand their potential effects on space weather. This research enhances our ability to anticipate and prepare for space weather events that could affect Earth's technological systems.

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