Emergent Mind

Wasserstein Gradient Boosting: A General Framework with Applications to Posterior Regression

Published May 15, 2024 in stat.ME , cs.LG , and stat.ML


Gradient boosting is a sequential ensemble method that fits a new base learner to the gradient of the remaining loss at each step. We propose a novel family of gradient boosting, Wasserstein gradient boosting, which fits a new base learner to an exactly or approximately available Wasserstein gradient of a loss functional on the space of probability distributions. Wasserstein gradient boosting returns a set of particles that approximates a target probability distribution assigned at each input. In probabilistic prediction, a parametric probability distribution is often specified on the space of output variables, and a point estimate of the output-distribution parameter is produced for each input by a model. Our main application of Wasserstein gradient boosting is a novel distributional estimate of the output-distribution parameter, which approximates the posterior distribution over the output-distribution parameter determined pointwise at each data point. We empirically demonstrate the superior performance of the probabilistic prediction by Wasserstein gradient boosting in comparison with various existing methods.

WGBoost output with target distribution $\mathcal{N$, showcasing improved predictive accuracy.


  • The paper introduces Wasserstein Gradient Boosting (WGBoost), an extension of gradient boosting aimed at improving predictive uncertainty by approximating and predicting entire probability distributions rather than just point estimates.

  • WGBoost is particularly adept at posterior regression, leveraging a novel loss functional and training base learners to follow the steepest descent in the Wasserstein gradient, providing enhanced robustness and superior uncertainty estimates.

  • Empirical results show WGBoost's effectiveness in conditional density estimation, probabilistic regression, and out-of-distribution detection, making it a strong candidate for applications requiring high predictive certainty.

Introducing Wasserstein Gradient Boosting: Enhancing Predictive Uncertainty in Gradient Boosting

Gradient Boosting is a popular machine learning method, especially useful with tabular data. However, traditional gradient boosting techniques often focus on point predictions or probabilistic classification, with less attention given to capturing predictive uncertainty. This is crucial for fields like medical diagnostics and autonomous driving where assessing risks and predictions' uncertainty can make a huge difference.

What is Wasserstein Gradient Boosting?

The paper presents a new technique called Wasserstein Gradient Boosting (WGBoost). This is an extension of gradient boosting that fits new base learners (typically decision trees) to the Wasserstein gradient of a loss function over probability distributions. Simply put, WGBoost aims to better approximate and predict entire probability distributions rather than just point estimates.

This approach is useful for "posterior regression," where the goal is to model the distribution of a parameter given past data.

Key Highlights

General Methodology

WGBoost builds on gradient boosting by:

  1. Introducing a loss functional that measures the divergence between a predicted distribution and a target distribution.
  2. Training base learners to approximate the steepest descent direction (Wasserstein gradient) of this functional.

The algorithm outputs a set of particles that approximate the target distribution at each input. This is particularly fitting for applications requiring high predictive uncertainty.

Numerical Results

The paper provides comprehensive empirical results:

  1. Conditional Density Estimation: WGBoost effectively captures the variability in data, even with complex distribution shapes.
  2. Probabilistic Regression Benchmarking: WGBoost often matches or exceeds the performance of other state-of-the-art methods across a variety of datasets, particularly in terms of negative log likelihood (NLL) and root mean square error (RMSE).
  3. Classification and Out-of-Distribution (OOD) Detection: WGBoost demonstrates strong classification accuracy while also excelling in OOD detection, a critical capability for identifying when an input sample markedly deviates from the training data.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

Practical Implications

The key benefit of WGBoost is its ability to provide a distributional prediction rather than a single point estimate. This improvement offers:

  • Enhanced robustness: Predictions take into account distributional data, offering more reliable outputs.
  • Improved uncertainty estimates: Beneficial for fields where understanding the confidence of predictions is critical (e.g., medical applications).

Theoretical Implications

WGBoost extends gradient boosting by incorporating Wasserstein gradients, thereby opening new avenues to utilize strong mathematical frameworks from optimal transport in machine learning. This can inspire further research in:

  • Advanced loss functionals: Tailoring them to specific applications.
  • Cross-disciplinary applications: Using WGBoost in fields like computational finance, climate modeling, and more where uncertainty quantification is vital.

Future Developments

Moving forward, WGBoost could see enhancements such as:

  • Hybrid models that integrate other machine learning paradigms.
  • Further scalability improvements to handle larger datasets seamlessly.
  • Expansions in automated machine learning (AutoML) frameworks to leverage WGBoost without manual tuning.

Overall, the paper presents a compelling case for the adoption of Wasserstein Gradient Boosting, highlighting its strengths and potential for future enhancements in predictive modeling. Whether in academia or industry, WGBoost offers a promising pathway to more reliable and interpretable machine learning models.

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