Emergent Mind

Ahead of the Count: An Algorithm for Probabilistic Prediction of Instant Runoff (IRV) Elections

Published May 15, 2024 in cs.CY , math.CO , and math.PR


How can we probabilistically predict the winner in a ranked-choice election without all ballots being counted? In this study, we introduce a novel algorithm designed to predict outcomes in Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) elections. The algorithm takes as input a set of discrete probability distributions describing vote totals for each candidate ranking and calculates the probability that each candidate will win the election. In fact, we calculate all possible sequences of eliminations that might occur in the IRV rounds and assign a probability to each. The discrete probability distributions can be arbitrary and, in applications, could be measured empirically from pre-election polling data or from partial vote tallies of an in-progress election. The algorithm is effective for elections with a small number of candidates (five or fewer), with fast execution on typical consumer computers. The run-time is short enough for our method to be used for real-time election night modeling where new predictions are made continuously as more and more vote information becomes available. We demonstrate the algorithm in abstract examples, and also using real data from the 2022 Alaska state elections to simulate election-night predictions and also predictions of election recounts.


  • The paper introduces a novel algorithm designed to predict the winner in Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) elections before all ballots are counted, using a set of discrete probability distributions for vote totals.

  • The algorithm was applied to the 2022 Alaska state elections, predicting outcomes with notable reliability based on partial vote counts and providing visual insights using a 'weighted elimination tree'.

  • Despite relying on an independence assumption for simplifying computations, the algorithm presents significant potential for real-time election modeling, with future work aimed at enhancing its accuracy and efficiency.

Predicting Winners in Ranked-Choice Elections: An Algorithmic Approach


Ranked-choice voting (RCV), also known as Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), is becoming increasingly prevalent in U.S. elections. RCV allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference, and the counting process involves multiple rounds where the lowest-ranked candidate is eliminated in each round until a candidate secures a majority. Predicting outcomes in such elections can be quite complex compared to traditional first-past-the-post (FPTP) systems. A paper introduces a novel algorithm designed to predict the winner in RCV elections before all ballots are counted. This article aims to elucidate the primary concepts, numerical results, and potential implications of this research.

Algorithmic Essence of Predicting RCV Elections

Inputs and Outputs

The proposed algorithm takes as input a set of discrete probability distributions for vote totals concerning each candidate ranking. It then calculates the probability that each candidate will win by simulating all possible elimination sequences. The method relies heavily on discrete convolution of probability distributions.

Independence Assumption

A pivotal assumption is that the distributions of votes for various rankings are independent. While this makes the calculations more tractable, it might not fully capture the real-world interdependencies among voter preferences. Despite this limitation, the algorithm provides a robust starting point for understanding election dynamics in RCV contexts.

Key Numerical Results

Application to Real-world Data

One of the notable demonstrations of the algorithm was its application to the 2022 Alaska state elections. For instance, the algorithm predicted the winner of the Alaska House District 18 race with the following probabilities based on partial vote counts:

  • Cliff Groh (Democrat): 72.1%
  • David Nelson (Republican): 25.3%
  • Lyn Franks (Democrat): 2.6%

The algorithm's efficacy is significant, showcasing that even with partial vote counts, it can provide a reliable indication of the likely winner.

Weighted Elimination Tree

The algorithm also visualizes the probable election outcomes using a "weighted elimination tree." This tree diagrams each round's probabilities, providing a clear representation of how likely each elimination sequence is. Such a visual aid helps better understand the dynamics of the RCV process and the chances of each candidate at various stages of the vote count.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Applications

For media outlets and election analysts, this algorithm provides a valuable tool for real-time election night modeling. It can predict outcomes continuously as more vote data becomes available, potentially allowing media to "call" elections more confidently before all votes are counted.

Theoretical Contributions

The algorithm enriches the theoretical understanding of probabilistic election outcomes in RCV systems. By modeling the uncertainty and providing quantitative insights, it opens avenues for more sophisticated analyses and improvements in election prediction methodologies.

Limitations and Improvements

While the algorithm's use of independence simplifies computations, introducing models to account for correlations between candidate preferences could enhance accuracy. Additionally, the factorial computational complexity means the current model is more suitable for elections with a small number of candidates (five or fewer).

Visual Representations

Election Predictions Over Time

Figures in the paper, such as the one tracking Alaska House District 18, show how the win probabilities evolve as votes are tallied. Such diagrams can be incredibly informative, depicting how early votes can indicate trends and how certainty increases as more votes are counted.

Weighted Elimination Trees

Weighted elimination trees visually depict the probability distribution across all possible elimination sequences, offering a clear snapshot of the election's dynamics in multi-round IRV processes.


Predicting outcomes in RCV elections involves complex modeling, and the proposed algorithm makes significant strides in this area. It leverages discrete probability distributions and the convolution of these distributions to provide real-time insights into election outcomes. While it excels for smaller numbers of candidates and relies on the assumption of independence, future work can expand its applicability and accuracy by incorporating more nuanced voter behavior models and efficient computation techniques. The algorithm's ability to visualize the election process through weighted elimination trees and dynamic probability tracking further enhances its practical utility, making it a valuable tool in the evolving landscape of American electoral politics.

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