Emergent Mind

Expanderizing Higher Order Random Walks

Published May 14, 2024 in cs.DS


We study a variant of the down-up and up-down walks over an $n$-partite simplicial complex, which we call expanderized higher order random walks -- where the sequence of updated coordinates correspond to the sequence of vertices visited by a random walk over an auxiliary expander graph $H$. When $H$ is the clique, this random walk reduces to the usual down-up walk and when $H$ is the directed cycle, this random walk reduces to the well-known systematic scan Glauber dynamics. We show that whenever the usual higher order random walks satisfy a log-Sobolev inequality or a Poincar\'e inequality, the expanderized walks satisfy the same inequalities with a loss of quality related to the two-sided expansion of the auxillary graph $H$. Our construction can be thought as a higher order random walk generalization of the derandomized squaring algorithm of Rozenman and Vadhan. We show that when initiated with an expander graph our expanderized random walks have mixing time $O(n \log n)$ for sampling a uniformly random list colorings of a graph $G$ of maximum degree $\Delta = O(1)$ where each vertex has at least $(11/6 - \epsilon) \Delta$ and at most $O(\Delta)$ colors and $O\left( \frac{n \log n}{(1 - | J|)2}\right)$ for sampling the Ising model with a PSD interaction matrix $J \in R{n \times n}$ satisfying $| J | \le 1$ and the external field $h \in Rn$-- here the $O(\bullet)$ notation hides a constant that depends linearly on the largest entry of $h$. As expander graphs can be very sparse, this decreases the amount of randomness required to simulate the down-up walks by a logarithmic factor. We also prove some simple results which enable us to argue about log-Sobolev constants of higher order random walks and provide a simple and self-contained analysis of local-to-global $\Phi$-entropy contraction in simplicial complexes -- giving simpler proofs for many pre-existing results.

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