Emergent Mind

Two questions on Kneser colorings

Published May 14, 2024 in math.CO and cs.DM


In this paper, we investigate two questions on Kneser graphs $KG{n,k}$. First, we prove that the union of $s$ non-trivial intersecting families in ${[n]\choose k}$ has size at most ${n\choose k}-{n-s\choose k}$ for all sufficiently large $n$ that satisfy $n>(2+\epsilon)k2$ with $\epsilon>0$. We provide an example that shows that this result is essentially tight for the number of colors close to $\chi(KG{n,k})=n-2k+2$. We also improve the result of Bulankina and Kupavskii on the choice chromatic number, showing that it is at least $\frac 1{16} n\log n$ for all $k<\sqrt n$ and $n$ sufficiently large.

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