Emergent Mind


LLMs have emerged and presented their general problem-solving capabilities with one model. However, the model size has increased dramatically with billions of parameters to enable such broad problem-solving capabilities. In addition, due to the dominance of matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplications in LLMs, the compute-to-model size ratio is significantly lower than that of CNNs. This shift pushes LLMs from a computation-bound regime to a memory-bound regime. Therefore, optimizing the memory footprint and traffic is an important optimization direction for LLMs today. Model compression methods such as quantization and parameter pruning have been actively explored for achieving the memory footprint and traffic optimization. However, the accuracy-efficiency trade-off of rank pruning for LLMs is not well-understood yet. Therefore, we characterize the accuracy-efficiency trade-off of a low-rank decomposition method, specifically Tucker decomposition, on recent language models, including an open-source LLM, Llama 2. We formalize the low-rank decomposition design space and show that the decomposition design space is enormous (e.g., O($2{37}$) for Llama2-7B). To navigate such a vast design space, we formulate the design space and perform thorough case studies of accuracy-efficiency trade-offs using six widely used LLM benchmarks on BERT and Llama 2 models. Our results show that we can achieve a 9\% model size reduction with minimal accuracy drops, which range from 4\%p to 10\%p, depending on the difficulty of the benchmark, without any retraining to recover accuracy after decomposition. The results show that low-rank decomposition can be a promising direction for LLM-based applications that require real-time service in scale (e.g., AI agent assist and real-time coding assistant), where the latency is as important as the model accuracy.


  • The paper provides a comprehensive guide to the ACM consolidated LaTeX template, detailing its features and use.

  • It explains the different template styles and parameters, which cater to various types of ACM publications such as conference papers and journal articles.

  • The guide also covers essential formatting and style rules, including non-modifiable elements, typeface requirements, and proper structuring of the document, figures, tables, equations, and bibliographies.

Understanding the ACM Consolidated LaTeX Template


The paper "The Name of the Title Is Hope" is all about the ACM consolidated LaTeX template, which provides a standardized way of formatting documents for ACM publication. This handy guide is beneficial whether you're new to ACM publishing or a seasoned author. The aim is to create a consistent style across all ACM publications, simplifying the authoring process and improving the readability of the documents.

Key Template Features

Multiple Document Types

The "acmart" document class can be utilized for various types of ACM publications, such as:

  • Full-length conference papers
  • Two-page abstracts
  • Journal articles
  • Extended abstracts for conferences

This flexibility is achieved by selecting the appropriate template style and template parameters.

Template Styles

Here's a breakdown of some template styles available:

  • acmsmall: For most ACM journals.
  • acmlarge: Specific journals like JOCCH and TAP.
  • acmtog: For TOG (Transactions on Graphics).

For conference proceedings, the dominant style is sigconf. Variants like sigchi and sigplan cater to their respective conferences.

Template Parameters

Template parameters allow customization of document settings:

  • anonymous, review: For double-anonymous submissions, anonymizes the work and includes line numbers.
  • authorversion: A version suitable for author posting.
  • screen: Enables colored hyperlinks.

Format and Style Rules

Non-Modifiable Elements

Modifying the template in ways like adjusting margins, changing typeface sizes, or altering line spacing is not allowed. Any detected changes will result in the document being returned for revisions.


The template requires the use of the "Libertine" typeface family, which should already be included in your TeX installation. The use of other typefaces like "lmodern" or "ltimes" is discouraged as they override the preset typeface families.

Structuring Your Document

Title and Authors Information

  • The title should use appropriate capitalization.
  • Authors should be listed with full names and affiliations.
  • Short titles and short author lists are necessary for header formatting.

Rights Information

Upon paper approval, authors will need to complete a rights form, which includes:

  • ACM Reference Format on the first page.
  • Rights management text.
  • Conference information in page headers.

CCS Concepts and Keywords

For taxonomic and search-friendly purposes:

  • Use the ACM Computing Classification System (accessible at https://dl.acm.org/ccs/ccs.cfm) for relevant classifiers and concepts.
  • User-defined keywords are a list of chosen words/phrases that describe the research.

Numbered Section Commands

The document supports standard LaTeX sectioning commands like:

  • \section
  • \subsection
  • \subsubsection
  • \paragraph

Proper numbering must be maintained and simulating sections using bold or italic text is not allowed.

Figures and Tables


The "acmart" class includes "booktabs" for high-quality tables:

  • Table captions are placed above the table.
  • Tables should float to the top of the nearest page.


Figures should use the "figure" environment and:

  • Include a caption below the figure.
  • Provide a description for accessibility.
  • Optionally include a "teaser figure" before the body of the article.


Mathematical equations come in three styles:

  1. Inline Equations: Set within the text using the $...$ format.
  2. Display Equations: Centered, numbered equations produced by the "equation" environment.
  3. Non-Numbered Display Equations: Created using the "displaymath" environment.

Citations and Bibliographies

The use of BibTeX for references is recommended:

  • Full author names and detailed referencing information are required.
  • Example command: \bibliography{bibfile}


The "acks" environment is used for acknowledgments, positioned just before the references.



The ACM consolidated LaTeX template is an invaluable tool for authors looking to submit to ACM publications. This guide simplifies the use of the "acmart" document class and helps ensure consistent, high-quality submissions.

For further details, authors can refer to the full documentation available at the ACM website. Happy writing!

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