Emergent Mind


Ensuring that AI systems reliably and robustly avoid harmful or dangerous behaviours is a crucial challenge, especially for AI systems with a high degree of autonomy and general intelligence, or systems used in safety-critical contexts. In this paper, we will introduce and define a family of approaches to AI safety, which we will refer to as guaranteed safe (GS) AI. The core feature of these approaches is that they aim to produce AI systems which are equipped with high-assurance quantitative safety guarantees. This is achieved by the interplay of three core components: a world model (which provides a mathematical description of how the AI system affects the outside world), a safety specification (which is a mathematical description of what effects are acceptable), and a verifier (which provides an auditable proof certificate that the AI satisfies the safety specification relative to the world model). We outline a number of approaches for creating each of these three core components, describe the main technical challenges, and suggest a number of potential solutions to them. We also argue for the necessity of this approach to AI safety, and for the inadequacy of the main alternative approaches.

Comparison of GS AI approach with current AI safety practices emphasizing reliance on quality assurance.


  • Guaranteed Safe AI (GS AI) utilizes a structured approach with world models, safety specifications, and verifiers to imbue AI systems with robust safety guarantees, essential in various real-world applications.

  • The GS AI framework addresses the challenges of designing accurate yet comprehensible world models, formalizing ethical and safety norms into operational terms, and verifying AI compliance with safety standards.

  • GS AI holds promise for enhancing transparency and trust in AI technologies through verifiable safety assurances, crucial for regulatory approvals and ethical considerations in critical domains like healthcare and transportation.

Exploring Guaranteed Safe AI: Frameworks for Robust AI Safety Guarantees


In the realm of AI development, ensuring the safety and reliability of AI systems, especially those employed in critical and autonomous roles, remains a paramount concern. Guaranteed Safe (GS) AI presents a structured approach, aiming to imbue AI systems with robust and verifiable safety assurances. This initiative is vital in a landscape where traditional safety measures may fall short due to the complexity and unpredictability of AI behaviors in diverse real-world applications.

Core Components of GS AI

World Model

The world model in GS AI serves as the foundation for understanding how an AI's actions affect its environment. This model is essentially a sophisticated simulation that provides a framework for testing AI behaviors against safety specifications. However, crafting these models is non-trivial:

  • Accuracy vs. Complexity: Achieving high accuracy in world models without making them overwhelmingly complex is challenging.
  • Interpretability: Ensuring that these models are interpretable by humans is critical, especially for transparency and regulatory approval.
  • Adaptability: These models must adapt to new data and scenarios while maintaining their integrity.

Safety Specification

Safety specification defines what "safe" behavior means for the AI. This aspect involves delineating the boundaries within which the AI must operate. Here, the complication often lies in quantifying abstract concepts like "harm" or "ethical behavior" into mathematical terms that a machine can understand and evaluate.

  • Formalization: Translating ethical norms and safety concerns into formal, operational terms is a significant hurdle.
  • Comprehensiveness: Ensuring that the safety specifications cover all potential harmful scenarios without overly constraining the AI’s functionality.


The verifier acts as the auditor, ensuring that the AI system conforms to the safety specifications based on the world model. It’s the final check that asserts the system’s readiness and safety before deployment.

  • Proof of Safety: Generating a proof certificate that unequivocally demonstrates compliance with safety standards.
  • Dynamic Adjustment: Updating verification processes to adapt to new information or changes in operational environment or system upgrades.

Practical Implications and Future Pathways

Regulatory and Ethical Considerations

One of the most compelling aspects of GS AI is its potential for creating systems that can be audited and verified against clear, predefined safety standards. This transparency is crucial not only for regulatory approval but also for gaining public trust in AI technologies, especially those in critical domains like healthcare, transportation, and public infrastructure.

Advancements in Verification Techniques

Future advancements in automated reasoning and formal verification could revolutionize how quickly and effectively safety can be assured in AI systems. Techniques that combine AI with formal methods to streamline the creation of verifiers are poised to reduce the overhead and enhance the scalability of safety verifications.

Bridging Theory with Practical Applications

While GS AI proposes a robust framework, the transition from theoretical models to practical applications remains challenging. Continued research into refining world models, improving specification languages to capture more nuanced safety requirements, and developing more efficient verification algorithms will be essential.


Guaranteed Safe AI provides a structured blueprint for addressing some of the most pressing safety concerns in AI deployment. By emphasizing formal safety guarantees through verifiable components, GS AI not only enhances the safety and reliability of AI systems but also plays a crucial role in their ethical and responsible development. As this field evolves, it will likely become a cornerstone of how we develop and deploy AI systems in sensitive and impactful settings.

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