Emergent Mind


Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has exploded in popularity in recent years. Many approaches have been developed but they can be divided into three main types: centralized training and execution (CTE), centralized training for decentralized execution (CTDE), and Decentralized training and execution (DTE).Decentralized training and execution methods make the fewest assumptions and are often simple to implement. In fact, as I'll discuss, any single-agent RL method can be used for DTE by just letting each agent learn separately. Of course, there are pros and cons to such approaches as I discuss below. It is worth noting that DTE is required if no offline coordination is available. That is, if all agents must learn during online interactions without prior coordination, learning and execution must both be decentralized. DTE methods can be applied in cooperative, competitive, or mixed cases but this text will focus on the cooperative MARL case. In this text, I will first give a brief description of the cooperative MARL problem in the form of the Dec-POMDP. Then, I will discuss value-based DTE methods starting with independent Q-learning and its extensions and then discuss the extension to the deep case with DQN, the additional complications this causes, and methods that have been developed to (attempt to) address these issues. Next, I will discuss policy gradient DTE methods starting with independent REINFORCE (i.e., vanilla policy gradient), and then extending to the actor-critic case and deep variants (such as independent PPO). Finally, I will discuss some general topics related to DTE and future directions.

Cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning in a decentralized partially observable Markov decision process.


  • The paper provides an introduction to multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), detailing three main approaches: Centralized Training and Execution (CTE), Centralized Training, Decentralized Execution (CTDE), and Decentralized Training and Execution (DTE).

  • It examines the cooperative scenario framework through Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (Dec-POMDPs), and discusses decentralized value-based MARL methods including Independent Q-Learning and its improved variants.

  • The study explore the challenges of deep MARL and explores decentralized policy gradient methods, highlighting approaches like Independent DRQN and policy-gradient methods such as Decentralized REINFORCE and Independent PPO.

Understanding Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Decentralized Methods Explained

Introduction to MARL Methods

Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) is an engaging area of research where multiple agents learn to make decisions by interacting with each other and their environment. There are three primary types of MARL approaches:

  1. Centralized Training and Execution (CTE): Utilizes a central control mechanism for both training and execution, making the fullest use of all available information but is less scalable.
  2. Centralized Training, Decentralized Execution (CTDE): Uses centralized information during training but applies policies independently during execution—striking a balance between performance and scalability.
  3. Decentralized Training and Execution (DTE): Agents train and execute policies independently, focusing on simplicity and minimal assumptions but potentially lagging in performance.

Understanding the Cooperative Setting: Dec-POMDP

A significant portion of the paper discusses cooperative multi-agent scenarios framed as Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (Dec-POMDPs). Here, cooperation is defined by a shared reward function, but agents rely only on their local observations and history, not global knowledge.

The challenge lies in agents making decisions based on incomplete, noisy data while aiming for a common goal.

Decentralized Value-Based Methods

Decentralized value-based MARL methods teach agents to estimate value functions and choose actions that maximize these values:

Independent Q-Learning (IQL)

IQL is the most straightforward value-based method, where each agent independently learns a Q-function (value of being in a certain state and taking an action). Agents ignore the existence of others, leading to potential convergence issues due to non-stationary environments.

Key Points:

  • Simplicity: Easy to implement.
  • Performance: Can work well in simpler settings.
  • Downside: May fail to coordinate agents effectively, leading to suboptimal performance.

Improving IQL

Several methods have been developed to address IQL's limitations:

  1. Distributed Q-Learning: Optimistically updates Q-values, assuming cooperation but may falter in stochastic environments.
  2. Hysteretic Q-Learning: Uses different learning rates for positive and negative updates, making it more robust.
  3. Lenient Q-Learning: Adjusts the "leniency" dynamically, ignoring occasional failures to adapt better to fluctuations.

Deep Extensions and Their Issues

With the growing complexity of problems, deep learning methods like Deep Q-Networks (DQN) and Deep Recurrent Q-Networks (DRQN) have extended traditional Q-learning approaches. DRQN includes recurrent layers to handle partial observability, allowing the neural network to maintain state information.

Independent DRQN (IDRQN) applies Q-learning with these recurrent networks independently for each agent, improving scalability but facing coordination challenges and requiring concurrent learning assumptions.

Addressing Deep MARL Challenges

  • Concurrent Replay Buffer (CERTs): Collects experience data concurrently to reduce variance and stabilize learning.
  • Deep Hysteretic Q-Learning (Dec-HDRQN): Combines hysteresis with DRQN, outperforming vanilla DRQN by stabilizing updates.
  • Lenient and Likelihood Q-Learning: Use return distribution to make updates more resilient to fluctuations and handle exploration better.

Decentralized Policy Gradient Methods

Moving beyond value-based methods, policy gradient techniques can handle continuous actions and have stronger convergence guarantees.

Decentralized REINFORCE

A policy-gradient method that uses Monte Carlo rollouts to estimate policy value and update by gradient ascent. The main advantage is its convergence guarantee in a decentralized setup, ensuring agents move towards locally optimal solutions.

Independent Actor-Critic (IAC)

IAC combines value function approximation (critic) with policy learning (actor), optimizing policies based on critic evaluations in real-time. It inherits sample efficiency and can update policies more rapidly than REINFORCE.

Independent PPO (IPPO): Extends trusted policy optimization methods to the decentralization paradigm, often showing competitive performance.

Implications and Future Directions

These advancements indicate:

  1. Scalability: Including deep learning can handle more complex environments.
  2. Coordination vs. Independence: Striking a balance is crucial to optimize performance.
  3. Future Work: More research is needed to refine these methods, improve convergence guarantees, and manage coordination more effectively.

Decentralized MARL methods are evolving, with promising approaches already demonstrating effective capabilities in various settings. Further exploration into hybrid models, combining decentralized and centralized components where feasible, could present the next leap forward.

Understanding these foundational methods allows data scientists to better grasp complex interactions in MARL, adapting these concepts to their specific challenges and applications.

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