Emergent Mind

ReefGlider: A highly maneuverable vectored buoyancy engine based underwater robot

Published May 9, 2024 in cs.RO , cs.SY , and eess.SY


There exists a capability gap in the design of currently available autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). Most AUVs use a set of thrusters, and optionally control surfaces, to control their depth and pose. AUVs utilizing thrusters can be highly maneuverable, making them well-suited to operate in complex environments such as in close-proximity to coral reefs. However, they are inherently power-inefficient and produce significant noise and disturbance. Underwater gliders, on the other hand, use changes in buoyancy and center of mass, in combination with a control surface to move around. They are extremely power efficient but not very maneuverable. Gliders are designed for long-range missions that do not require precision maneuvering. Furthermore, since gliders only activate the buoyancy engine for small time intervals, they do not disturb the environment and can also be used for passive acoustic observations. In this paper we present ReefGlider, a novel AUV that uses only buoyancy for control but is still highly maneuverable from additional buoyancy control devices. ReefGlider bridges the gap between the capabilities of thruster-driven AUVs and gliders. These combined characteristics make ReefGlider ideal for tasks such as long-term visual and acoustic monitoring of coral reefs. We present the overall design and implementation of the system, as well as provide analysis of some of its capabilities.

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