Emergent Mind


Text-driven 3D indoor scene generation holds broad applications, ranging from gaming and smart homes to AR/VR applications. Fast and high-fidelity scene generation is paramount for ensuring user-friendly experiences. However, existing methods are characterized by lengthy generation processes or necessitate the intricate manual specification of motion parameters, which introduces inconvenience for users. Furthermore, these methods often rely on narrow-field viewpoint iterative generations, compromising global consistency and overall scene quality. To address these issues, we propose FastScene, a framework for fast and higher-quality 3D scene generation, while maintaining the scene consistency. Specifically, given a text prompt, we generate a panorama and estimate its depth, since the panorama encompasses information about the entire scene and exhibits explicit geometric constraints. To obtain high-quality novel views, we introduce the Coarse View Synthesis (CVS) and Progressive Novel View Inpainting (PNVI) strategies, ensuring both scene consistency and view quality. Subsequently, we utilize Multi-View Projection (MVP) to form perspective views, and apply 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) for scene reconstruction. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate FastScene surpasses other methods in both generation speed and quality with better scene consistency. Notably, guided only by a text prompt, FastScene can generate a 3D scene within a mere 15 minutes, which is at least one hour faster than state-of-the-art methods, making it a paradigm for user-friendly scene generation.

FastScene framework: Text prompt to panorama creation, depth estimation, multi-view generation, and 3D scene reconstruction.


  • FastScene is a new framework that efficiently generates high-quality 3D indoor scenes from textual descriptions, addressing challenges in speed, consistency, and user convenience.

  • The methodology involves three main phases: panorama generation for complete spatial views, innovative view synthesis and inpainting for seamless visual continuity, and multi-view 3D reconstruction using advanced techniques.

  • FastScene not only enhances the practical applications in fields like gaming and AR/VR but also contributes to theoretical advancements in panoramas and text-to-3D transformations, with potential for future improvements in real-time interactions.

Fast and Consistent 3D Scene Generation from Text Descriptions


Generating 3D indoor scenes from text descriptions presents a multitude of applications across various fields like gaming, AR/VR, and smart home designs. While the transformation of text to 3D objects has seen substantial improvements, creating entire 3D scenes remains challenging due to the complexities involved in ensuring realism and consistency over large spatial compositions. Existing methodologies often sacrifice speed, user convenience, or scene fidelity. FastScene is a new framework designed to address these limitations, providing a faster and more cohesive solution to generate high-quality 3D scenes based on textual inputs.

Key Challenges in Scene Generation

Generating complex 3D scenes from text prompts necessitates overcoming several challenges:

  • Speed and Efficiency: Traditional methods, while possibly robust, require long processing times, making them impractical for real-time applications.
  • Scene Consistency: Ensuring that the generated scenes do not just look realistic from single viewpoints, but maintain consistency when observed from varying perspectives.
  • User Convenience: Simplifying the generation process to avoid the need for manually tweaking intricate parameters by end-users.

FastScene: A New Approach to Text-driven 3D Scene Generation

Overview of FastScene

FastScene introduces an efficient, structured process for indoor scene generation that entails three primary phases:

  1. Panorama Generation: Starts with creating a panoramic view, which offers a 360-degree overview of the entire scene. This method captures comprehensive spatial information and aids in maintaining consistency across the scene.
  2. View Synthesis and Inpainting: Applies novel techniques for view synthesis (Coarse View Synthesis or CVS) and inpainting (Progressive Novel View Inpainting or PNVI) to effectively generate and refine views from different perspectives, filling in visual gaps without noticeable distortions.
  3. 3D Reconstruction: Utilizes Multi-View Projection (MVP) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) for reconstructing the scene in three dimensions from the generated panoramic views.

Detailed Innovations

  • CVS and PNVI Methods: These strategies innovatively handle the generation of new views with missing parts by progressively inpainting these gaps. This method helps in managing large-distance view changes more gracefully, preventing accumulative distortions.
  • Panorama to Multi-View Processing: By transforming panoramic images into multi-perspective views, FastScene adapts standard 3D modeling tools (like 3DGS) for scene creation without the complex recalibration that panoramas would typically require.

Implications and Future Horizons

Practical Applications

The ability to rapidly generate 3D models from simple text inputs can significantly transform industries such as interior design, gaming, and virtual reality, offering a quick way to prototype environments without deep technical expertise in 3D modeling.

Theoretical Contributions

FastScene represents a significant advancement in handling panoramic data and text-to-3D transformations, showing how integration of different AI techniques can solve complex spatial and perceptual challenges efficiently.

Future Developments

Continued advances in AI and machine learning could lead to even faster processing times and more detailed, dynamically interactive 3D environments generated from even more succinct descriptions. Exploring the integration of FastScene's capabilities with real-time user interactions in VR could also be a potential area for further research.


FastScene sets itself apart by not only focusing on the speed and quality of the generated 3D scenes but also ensuring that these virtual constructions remain consistent across different viewpoints and user interactions. Its application can make the generation of digital environments more accessible and significantly quicker, pushing the boundaries of what can be automatically created from minimal input.

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