Emergent Mind

Trail Trap: a variant of Partizan Edge Geography

Published May 8, 2024 in math.CO and cs.DM


We study a two-player game played on undirected graphs called Trail Trap, which is a variant of a game known as Partizan Edge Geography. One player starts by choosing any edge and moving a token from one endpoint to the other; the other player then chooses a different edge and does the same. Alternating turns, each player moves their token along an unused edge from its current vertex to an adjacent vertex, until one player cannot move and loses. We present an algorithm to determine which player has a winning strategy when the graph is a tree, and partially characterize the trees on which a given player wins. Additionally, we show that Trail Trap is NP-hard, even for connected bipartite planar graphs with maximum degree $4$ as well as for disconnected graphs. We determine which player has a winning strategy for certain subclasses of complete bipartite graphs and grid graphs, and we propose several open problems for further study.

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