Emergent Mind

An adaptive finite element multigrid solver using GPU acceleration

Published May 8, 2024 in math.NA and cs.NA


Adaptive finite elements combined with geometric multigrid solvers are one of the most efficient numerical methods for problems such as the instationary Navier-Stokes equations. Yet despite their efficiency, computations remain expensive and the simulation of, for example, complex flow problems can take many hours or days. GPUs provide an interesting avenue to speed up the calculations due to their very large theoretical peak performance. However, the large degree of parallelism and non-standard API make the use of GPUs in scientific computing challenging. In this work, we develop a GPU acceleration for the adaptive finite element library Gascoigne and study its effectiveness for different systems of partial differential equations. Through the systematic formulation of all computations as linear algebra operations, we can employ GPU-accelerated linear algebra libraries, which simplifies the implementation and ensures the maintainability of the code while achieving very efficient GPU utilizations. Our results for a transport-diffusion equation, linear elasticity, and the instationary Navier-Stokes equations show substantial speedups of up to 20X compared to multi-core CPU implementations.

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