Emergent Mind


Auto-regressive LLMs show impressive capacities to solve many complex reasoning tasks while struggling with some simple logical reasoning tasks such as inverse search: when trained on ''A is B'', LLM fails to directly conclude ''B is A'' during inference, which is known as the ''reversal curse'' (Berglund et al., 2023). In this paper, we theoretically analyze the reversal curse via the training dynamics of (stochastic) gradient descent for two auto-regressive models: (1) a bilinear model that can be viewed as a simplification of a one-layer transformer; (2) one-layer transformers using the framework of Tian et al. (2023a). Our analysis reveals a core reason why the reversal curse happens: the (effective) weights of both auto-regressive models show asymmetry, i.e., the increase of weights from a token $A$ to token $B$ during training does not necessarily cause the increase of the weights from $B$ to $A$. Moreover, our analysis can be naturally applied to other logical reasoning tasks such as chain-of-thought (COT) (Wei et al., 2022b). We show the necessity of COT, i.e., a model trained on ''$A \to B$'' and ''$B \to C$'' fails to directly conclude ''$A \to C$'' without COT (also empirically observed by Allen-Zhu and Li (2023)), for one-layer transformers via training dynamics, which provides a new perspective different from previous work (Feng et al., 2024) that focuses on expressivity. Finally, we also conduct experiments to validate our theory on multi-layer transformers under different settings.

Visualization of model weights after 3000 epochs, showing entity token relationships in training/validation pairs.


  • The paper discusses the 'reversal curse' in LLMs, where models fail at tasks requiring logical reversals and implications without explicit training.

  • It presents theoretical analysis and empirical validation showing asymmetry in effective weights and the need for diverse training data to handle complex logical constructs.

  • Proposes enhancements like modifying loss functions and introducing more sophisticated training techniques to improve LLM's handling of logical tasks, enhancing their applicability.

Understanding the Limitations of LLMs in Logical Reversal and Implications

The Reversal Curse and Logical Implications in LLMs

LLMs are proficient in handling diverse reasoning tasks through various techniques like few-shot learning or fine-tuning. However, these models often face challenges with tasks that involve basic logical reversals and direct logical implications, such as deducing from "A implies B" that "B implies A" without direct training on the latter. This phenomenon, known as the "reversal curse," is not just an isolated issue but indicative of broader limitations in logical reasoning tasks.

Theoretical Insights into the Reversal Curse

By employing theoretical analysis of the training dynamics in models like bilinear models and one-layer transformers, researchers have uncovered that a core issue is the asymmetry in the effective weights within these models. This means that even if a model learns "A implies B," the weight enhancement from A to B during training does not improve the weights from B to A, thereby not facilitating the model to conclude "B implies A" unless explicitly trained to do so.

This asymmetry was rigorously demonstrated through gradient descent dynamics showing that in the absence of training data for "B implies A," models retain a significant portion of their initial inability to make this logical deduction, regardless of how well "A implies B" is learned.

Broader Logical Reasoning: Chain-of-Thought (COT)

Extending beyond simple reversal, researchers applied this framework to more complex logical patterns like Chain-of-Thought (COT). In scenarios where models learn "A implies B" and "B implies C" in isolation, they fail to conclude "A implies C" without a mechanism like COT prompting them to explicitly consider intermediate steps. This demonstrated another limitation called intransitivity of weights—increasing weights for "A to B" and "B to C" does not guarantee increased weight from "A to C."

Empirical Validation and Practical Implications

Experimental results on multi-layer transformers corroborated theoretical findings. Models trained on one logical direction struggled with the inverse unless explicitly mentioned in the training data. This not only reinforces the necessity for diverse training data that covers various logical deductions but also highlights the need for advanced techniques like COT in training LLMs for complex reasoning tasks.

For researchers and developers, this paper stresses refining training approaches that encompass varied logical constructs. For practical applications, especially in fields like law or software development where logical deductions are rampant, ensuring your LLMs are trained on a comprehensive logical dataset is crucial. Additionally, exploring more sophisticated models or training regimes that naturally handle logical reversals and implications could be beneficial.

Forward-looking Perspectives

The insights from this study suggest possible enhancements in training LLMs, such as modifying loss functions to penalize logical inconsistencies or introducing more dynamic and context-aware training samples. Furthermore, the concept of weight symmetry and intransitivity could inspire novel neural network architectures that inherently grasp bi-directional logic, paving the way for more robust models capable of sophisticated reasoning without heavy reliance on specific training paradigms.

Understanding these limitations and actively working to address them not only improves model performance but also expands the scope of applications for LLMs in solving real-world problems that require nuanced logical reasoning.

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