Emergent Mind


Breast cancer is a significant global health concern, particularly for women. Early detection and appropriate treatment are crucial in mitigating its impact, with histopathology examinations playing a vital role in swift diagnosis. However, these examinations often require a substantial workforce and experienced medical experts for proper recognition and cancer grading. Automated image retrieval systems have the potential to assist pathologists in identifying cancerous tissues, thereby accelerating the diagnostic process. Nevertheless, due to considerable variability among the tissue and cell patterns in histological images, proposing an accurate image retrieval model is very challenging. This work introduces a novel attention-based adversarially regularized variational graph autoencoder model for breast histological image retrieval. Additionally, we incorporated cluster-guided contrastive learning as the graph feature extractor to boost the retrieval performance. We evaluated the proposed model's performance on two publicly available datasets of breast cancer histological images and achieved superior or very competitive retrieval performance, with average mAP scores of 96.5% for the BreakHis dataset and 94.7% for the BACH dataset, and mVP scores of 91.9% and 91.3%, respectively. Our proposed retrieval model has the potential to be used in clinical settings to enhance diagnostic performance and ultimately benefit patients.

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