Emergent Mind

Cosine Annealing Optimized Denoising Diffusion Error Correction Codes

Published May 6, 2024 in cs.IT and math.IT


To address the issue of increased bit error rates during the later stages of linear search in denoising diffusion error correction codes, we propose a novel method that optimizes denoising diffusion error correction codes (ECC) using cosine annealing. In response to the challenge of decoding long codewords, the proposed method employs a variance adjustment strategy during the reverse diffusion process, rather than maintaining a constant variance. By leveraging cosine annealing, this method effectively lowers the bit error rate and enhances decoding effciency. This letter extensively validates the approach through experiments and demonstrates signifcant improvements in bit error rate reduction and iteration effciency compared to existing methods. This advancement offers a promising solution for improving ECC decoding performance, potentially impacting secure digital communication practices.

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