Emergent Mind

Neural Graph Mapping for Dense SLAM with Efficient Loop Closure

Published May 6, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.RO


Existing neural field-based SLAM methods typically employ a single monolithic field as their scene representation. This prevents efficient incorporation of loop closure constraints and limits scalability. To address these shortcomings, we propose a neural mapping framework which anchors lightweight neural fields to the pose graph of a sparse visual SLAM system. Our approach shows the ability to integrate large-scale loop closures, while limiting necessary reintegration. Furthermore, we verify the scalability of our approach by demonstrating successful building-scale mapping taking multiple loop closures into account during the optimization, and show that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches on large scenes in terms of quality and runtime. Our code is available at https://kth-rpl.github.io/neural_graph_mapping/.


  • The paper introduces a novel framework for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) that efficiently integrates loop closures using lightweight neural fields anchored to a pose graph, enhancing adaptability and avoiding extensive computational rework.

  • This hybrid approach combines sparse visual SLAM techniques for tracking and dense neural scene representations for detailed environmental mapping, aiming to optimize both performance and accuracy in dynamic environments.

  • Experimental results demonstrate that this framework outperforms existing methods in scenarios with large-scale maps and complex loop closures, offering better mesh reconstruction quality and reliability.

A Dive into Neural Graph Mapping for SLAM Optimizations

Introduction to SLAM and Neural Fields in Computer Vision

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) involves constructing a map of an environment while simultaneously keeping track of the agent's location within it. This is crucial for applications like robot navigation, augmented reality, and autonomous driving. Particularly, visual SLAM (using cameras) aims to achieve this with high-resolution, geometrically accurate maps.

Traditionally, SLAM has often employed volumetric scene representations, which work well for many applications but struggle with efficiently managing loop closures. This challenge arises because volumetric maps, such as those using grid-based structures or the newer neural fields, are often rigid in their capacity to adapt once a loop closure occurs, requiring significant computational resources for adjustments.

Innovation in Neural Graph Mapping

The paper introduces a novel framework that integrates loop closures more dynamically into SLAM by anchoring lightweight neural fields to a pose graph. This method not only simplifies the inclusion of large-scale loop closures but also avoids the need for expensive reintegration of previous sensor data that traditional methods suffer from. Here are key insights from their approach:

  • An Extendable System of Lightweight Neural Fields: They propose using several small, manageable neural fields rather than one large static field. Each of these fields is linked to specific keyframes in a pose graph, making it easier to adapt and expand as new data comes in.
  • Efficient Handling of Loop Closures: By anchoring each neural field to a part of the pose graph, the entire map can quickly adjust to incorporate new loop closures without the need for substantial computation or reintegration.
  • A Combination of Sparse and Dense Mapping Techniques: Their system harnesses the efficiency of sparse visual SLAM for tracking and loop closure handling and the detailed environmental representation provided by dense, neural scene representations.

Practical Implications and Theoretical Contributions

This hybrid approach not only potentially improves SLAM efficiency in dynamic environments but also opens up new possibilities for richer environmental interaction in robotic navigation and augmented reality. Moreover, it theoretically advances the understanding of how neural fields can be integrated into traditional computer vision frameworks more harmonically.

Experimentation and Results

The authors conducted experiments on several synthetic and real-world datasets to validate their framework. Their method consistently outperformed existing state-of-the-art approaches in scenarios that involved large-scale maps and complex loop closures. Moreover, they provided quantitative metrics (like mesh reconstruction quality) showcasing the accuracy and reliability of their proposed method.

Future Directions and Considerations

While promising, this approach introduces challenges such as increased memory use due to multiple neural fields and potential complexities in managing numerous fields concurrently. Future research could explore optimizing these aspects, possibly by enhancing field management algorithms or integrating deeper neural field compression techniques.


This paper presents an innovative method that successfully integrates loop closures into SLAM systems using a novel neural graph mapping framework. It addresses significant limitations in previous SLAM approaches, offering a scalable and efficient solution vital for real-world applications in dynamic environments. As this field progresses, it will be interesting to see how these advancements translate into practical technological improvements.

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