Emergent Mind

Bridging discrete and continuous state spaces: Exploring the Ehrenfest process in time-continuous diffusion models

Published May 6, 2024 in stat.ML , cs.LG , math.DS , and math.PR


Generative modeling via stochastic processes has led to remarkable empirical results as well as to recent advances in their theoretical understanding. In principle, both space and time of the processes can be discrete or continuous. In this work, we study time-continuous Markov jump processes on discrete state spaces and investigate their correspondence to state-continuous diffusion processes given by SDEs. In particular, we revisit the $\textit{Ehrenfest process}$, which converges to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in the infinite state space limit. Likewise, we can show that the time-reversal of the Ehrenfest process converges to the time-reversed Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. This observation bridges discrete and continuous state spaces and allows to carry over methods from one to the respective other setting. Additionally, we suggest an algorithm for training the time-reversal of Markov jump processes which relies on conditional expectations and can thus be directly related to denoising score matching. We demonstrate our methods in multiple convincing numerical experiments.

Time-reversed processes transport distributions using diffusion and Ehrenfest processes, utilizing a known score function.


  • The paper explores the connection between Markov jump processes with discrete state spaces and continuous state diffusion processes modeled by Stochastic Differential Equations, focusing on the Ehrenfest process and its convergence to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.

  • Several contributions are highlighted including a new training methodology with a novel loss function based on conditional expectations, and the establishment of a direct link between discrete and continuous state generative modeling.

  • The study outlines both theoretical implications and practical applications, suggesting that the methodologies developed could impact future research and be applied practically in areas like image and biological data processing.

Bridging Discrete and Continuous State Spaces in Generative Modeling

Introduction to the Study

Researchers recently explored the parallels between Markov jump processes on discrete state spaces and state-continuous diffusion processes defined by Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs). The investigation pivots around the classical Ehrenfest process, demonstrating its convergence to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as the state space expands indefinitely.

This connection not only deepens the theoretical understanding of such generative models but also suggests practical algorithms for effectively training these models by utilizing techniques such as conditional expectations, similar to those used in denoising score matching.

Key Contributions

The paper presents several notable contributions:

  • Enhanced Training Methodology: The authors introduce a novel loss function anchored in conditional expectations. This approach simplifies the training of state-discrete diffusion models and is demonstrated to be highly effective through numerical experiments.
  • Ehrenfest and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck: The Ehrenfest process is detailed alongside its convergence to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. It provides a continuous bridge between discrete and continuous states, highlighting potential for method crossover and enhancement.
  • Direct Link to Score-Based Modeling: For the first time, exact correspondence is shown between discrete-state generative modeling using Markov jump processes and continuous-state score-based generative modeling. This establishes a theoretical framework for translating techniques and insights across discrete and continuous domains.

Implications and Practical Applications

The implications of this research are twofold:

  1. Theoretical Implications: The detailed exploration of the Ehrenfest process, its properties, and its relationship with continuous processes underpins a solid theoretical framework that could influence future studies in both discrete and continuous state space modeling.
  2. Practical Applications: The approaches detailed for training Markov jump processes using conditional expectations provide a robust algorithmic framework. These techniques are showcased to be practical and potent in the realm of generative modeling, which can be applied across different data types like images and biological data.

Future Directions

While the present study bridges a significant gap in understanding and leveraging the similarities and differences between Markov jump processes and diffusion processes, several routes for future research are evident:

  • Exploration of Larger State Spaces: As the transition from discrete to continuous states is pivotal, further investigation into larger state spaces and their computational handling could yield new insights and efficiency improvements.
  • Cross-learning and Model Transferability: Given the direct link between discrete and continuous methods, further research could explore the transfer of learning between these two realms more deeply, potentially leading to the development of hybrid models that can leverage the strengths of both approaches.
  • Refinement of Training Algorithms: The loss function introduced could be further refined and adapted to various other types of data and generative tasks, widening the scope and applicability of the method.


The study successfully demonstrates theoretical and practical bridges between discrete state space modeling and continuous state space modeling in the context of generative models. This not only enriches the theoretical landscape of stochastic processes but also opens up new avenues for practical applications in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Future research will likely expand these initial findings, creating more robust and versatile generative models.

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