Emergent Mind


General world models represent a crucial pathway toward achieving AGI, serving as the cornerstone for various applications ranging from virtual environments to decision-making systems. Recently, the emergence of the Sora model has attained significant attention due to its remarkable simulation capabilities, which exhibits an incipient comprehension of physical laws. In this survey, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements in world models. Our analysis navigates through the forefront of generative methodologies in video generation, where world models stand as pivotal constructs facilitating the synthesis of highly realistic visual content. Additionally, we scrutinize the burgeoning field of autonomous-driving world models, meticulously delineating their indispensable role in reshaping transportation and urban mobility. Furthermore, we delve into the intricacies inherent in world models deployed within autonomous agents, shedding light on their profound significance in enabling intelligent interactions within dynamic environmental contexts. At last, we examine challenges and limitations of world models, and discuss their potential future directions. We hope this survey can serve as a foundational reference for the research community and inspire continued innovation. This survey will be regularly updated at: https://github.com/GigaAI-research/General-World-Models-Survey.

World models' applications in video generation, autonomous driving, and agent decision-making processes.


  • General world models like 'Sora' are crucial for achieving AGI by simulating complex environments and making informed predictions, hence aiding in applications like autonomous driving and video generation.

  • Despite their capabilities, world models face challenges such as understanding complex dynamics, dependence on extensive training data, and ethical concerns relating to privacy and authenticity.

  • Future advancements in world models may include integration with diverse data types, enhanced interaction capabilities, and a focus on scalability and accessibility to propel further innovation across various sectors.

Understanding the Progress and Challenges in World Models for AI

Introduction to General World Models

General world models have proven pivotal in endeavors to achieve AGI, supporting a wide array of applications from virtual scenarios to decision-making systems. The "Sora" model, in particular, has attracted attention because of its advanced simulation capabilities and initial understanding of physical laws. This model represents a significant advancement in the field of world models, and it's essential to explore its functionalities, applications, and implications comprehensively.

The Significance and Applications of World Models

Autonomous Driving

In the autonomous driving sector, world models have been particularly transformative. These models are crucial for simulating environments that self-driving cars can use for training without real-world inputs. By understanding and predicting traffic patterns and potential hazards, these models reduce the need for costly real-world data collection and enable safer and more efficient driving practices.

Video Generation

World models play a critical role in video generation, notably in media production and artistic realms. By generating realistic visual content that adheres to physical laws, these models allow creators to conceptualize and visualize scenes before actual production, significantly reducing costs and enhancing creative flexibility.

Autonomous Agents

For autonomous agents, world models provide a framework for interaction within virtual or physical environments. Whether navigating a digital landscape in a video game or operating a robot in a warehouse, these models help agents make informed decisions based on predicted outcomes of their actions in their environment.

Challenges in Advancing World Models

Despite their advancements, world models face several challenges:

  • Complexity and Comprehension: Understanding complex environments and making accurate predictions in dynamic settings remains a significant challenge, limiting the reliability of autonomous systems in unpredictable conditions.
  • Data Dependency: The efficacy of world models is heavily reliant on vast amounts of training data, which can be difficult to procure, especially in formats that adequately represent the world's complexity.
  • Ethical and Privacy Concerns: As these models improve in generating realistic simulations and videos, they raise concerns about privacy and the potential for creating misleading information, necessitating stringent ethical guidelines.

Future Directions for World Models

The future development of world models seems poised for several advancements:

  • Integration with Diverse Data Types: Incorporating varying data types beyond visuals, such as auditory and sensory data, could provide a more rounded understanding of simulated environments.
  • Enhanced Interaction Capabilities: Improving how models predict and interact with changes in their environment will be crucial, especially for applications requiring high levels of autonomy like self-driving cars.
  • Focus on Scalability and Accessibility: Making these models more scalable and accessible to researchers and developers will accelerate innovation and applications across different sectors.

Conclusion: The Path Forward for World Models

World models are at a fascinating juncture with significant potential to revolutionize how machines understand and interact with the world. As technology advances, so too will the capabilities of these models, potentially ushering in new eras of innovation in AI. However, navigating the complexities of ethical considerations and technological limitations will be crucial for realizing their full potential. Future research and development in this field must remain vigilant and innovative, striving to overcome current barriers while anticipating future challenges.

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