Emergent Mind

EdgeAlpha: Bringing Process Discovery to the Data Sources

Published May 6, 2024 in cs.DB and cs.DC


Process Mining is moving beyond mining traditional event logs and nowadays includes, for example, data sourced from sensors in the Internet of Things (IoT). The volume and velocity of data generated by such sensors makes it increasingly challenging for traditional process discovery algorithms to store and mine such data in traditional event logs. Further, privacy considerations often prevent data collection at a central location in the first place. To address this challenge, this paper introduces EdgeAlpha, a distributed algorithm for process discovery operating directly on sensor nodes and edge devices on a stream of real-time event data. Based on the Alpha Miner, EdgeAlpha tracks each event and its predecessor and successor events directly on the sensor node where the event is sensed and recorded. From this local view, each node in EdgeAlpha derives a partial footprint matrix, which we then merge at a central location, whenever we query the system to compute a process model. EdgeAlpha enables (a) scalable mining, as a node, for each event, only interacts with its predecessors and, when queried, only exchanges aggregates, i.e., partial footprint matrices, with the central location and (b) privacy preserving process mining, as nodes only store their own as well as predecessor and successor events. On the Sepsis Cases event log, for example, a node queries on average 18.7% of all nodes. For the Hospital Log, we can even reduce the overall querying to 3.87% of the nodes.

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