Emergent Mind

Advancing Multimodal Medical Capabilities of Gemini

Published May 6, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.AI , cs.CL , and cs.LG


Many clinical tasks require an understanding of specialized data, such as medical images and genomics, which is not typically found in general-purpose large multimodal models. Building upon Gemini's multimodal models, we develop several models within the new Med-Gemini family that inherit core capabilities of Gemini and are optimized for medical use via fine-tuning with 2D and 3D radiology, histopathology, ophthalmology, dermatology and genomic data. Med-Gemini-2D sets a new standard for AI-based chest X-ray (CXR) report generation based on expert evaluation, exceeding previous best results across two separate datasets by an absolute margin of 1% and 12%, where 57% and 96% of AI reports on normal cases, and 43% and 65% on abnormal cases, are evaluated as "equivalent or better" than the original radiologists' reports. We demonstrate the first ever large multimodal model-based report generation for 3D computed tomography (CT) volumes using Med-Gemini-3D, with 53% of AI reports considered clinically acceptable, although additional research is needed to meet expert radiologist reporting quality. Beyond report generation, Med-Gemini-2D surpasses the previous best performance in CXR visual question answering (VQA) and performs well in CXR classification and radiology VQA, exceeding SoTA or baselines on 17 of 20 tasks. In histopathology, ophthalmology, and dermatology image classification, Med-Gemini-2D surpasses baselines across 18 out of 20 tasks and approaches task-specific model performance. Beyond imaging, Med-Gemini-Polygenic outperforms the standard linear polygenic risk score-based approach for disease risk prediction and generalizes to genetically correlated diseases for which it has never been trained. Although further development and evaluation are necessary in the safety-critical medical domain, our results highlight the potential of Med-Gemini across a wide range of medical tasks.

Approach to developing Med-Gemini models, enhancing them with medical knowledge and patient representation.


  • Med-Gemini models, developed for specific medical applications, integrate AI to process diverse data types including medical images and genetic information, aiming to improve clinical diagnostics and patient treatment planning.

  • These models excel at generating radiology reports, predicting disease risks using genetic data, and assisting diagnostics through visual question answering (VQA), demonstrating broad potential in healthcare.

  • Significant future work for Med-Gemini includes performance validation in real-world settings, ensuring model generalization, and conducting rigorous safety evaluations to fully integrate these AI capabilities into clinical practices.

Exploring the Potential of Multimodal AI in Medicine with Med-Gemini Models


The integration of AI in medicine has progressively moved from theory to application, significantly impacting how medical data is understood and utilized. The advent of multimodal AI solutions, which can process diverse data types including medical images and genetic information, begins to reflect the multifaceted nature of human health.

Unlocking Multimodal Capabilities in Medical AI

Advanced Multimodal Models: The recent development of large multimodal models (LMMs) like Gemini has demonstrated superb capabilities in handling complex data including text, images, and more. This technological leap holds profound implications for personalized medicine, where multifaceted data is paramount.

Med-Gemini Family Introduction: Building on the foundation provided by Gemini models, the Med-Gemini family was specifically tailored for medical applications. By integrating varied medical data types—radiology, pathology, genomics, and beyond—these models aim to approach the complexity of clinical diagnostics and patient treatment planning.

Deep Dive into Med-Gemini's Performance

Versatile Medical Task Handling: Med-Gemini models have shown promise across several key areas in healthcare AI, from generating medical reports based on imaging to answering complex clinical questions regarding patient data visuals.

  • Radiology Reports: Notably, Med-Gemini excels in generating interpretative reports from both 2D and 3D medical imaging, such as chest X-rays and head/neck CT scans. These capabilities extend beyond generating text to actually understanding and summarizing critical medical findings.
  • Disease Prediction Using Genetic Data: Leaping into genomics, Med-Gemini applies a novel approach by translating genetic risk information into a visual format which the model can then interpret, predicting potential disease risks with notable accuracy.
  • Diagnostic Assistance Through QA: In visual question answering (VQA) tasks, Med-Gemini efficiently handles queries related to medical imagery, allowing it to support healthcare professionals by providing immediate insights into patient data.

Implications and Future Directions

Broadening the AI Application in Medicine: The results indicate that Med-Gemini can serve as a robust auxiliary tool for various medical specialists, from radiologists needing quick report generation to geneticists assessing disease susceptibility.

Future Enhancements: Despite its current capabilities, there are still several areas requiring improvement and careful consideration before full clinical deployment. These include validating AI performance in real-world settings and ensuring the models generalize well across different patient demographics and conditions.

Clinical Integration and Safety Evaluations: Before these models can be fully integrated into clinical workflows, extensive testing and validation are needed to address any potential safety issues, ensuring that the AI's recommendations are reliable and enhance patient care.


The introduction of Med-Gemini signifies a crucial step forward in applying AI within the medical field. By efficiently processing and interpreting complex multimodal medical data, these models hint at a future where AI not only supports but enhances clinical decision-making processes. As development continues, the focus will remain on refining these models to ensure they meet the stringent requirements of medical application, aiming for a future where AI and healthcare professionals work hand in hand to improve patient outcomes.


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