Emergent Mind


The integration of autonomous vehicles (AVs) into the existing transportation infrastructure offers a promising solution to alleviate congestion and enhance mobility. This research explores a novel approach to traffic optimization by employing a multi-agent rollout approach within a mixed autonomy environment. The study concentrates on coordinating the speed of human-driven vehicles by longitudinally controlling AVs, aiming to dynamically optimize traffic flow and alleviate congestion at highway bottlenecks in real-time. We model the problem as a decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (Dec-POMDP) and propose an improved multi-agent rollout algorithm. By employing agent-by-agent policy iterations, our approach implicitly considers cooperation among multiple agents and seamlessly adapts to complex scenarios where the number of agents dynamically varies. Validated in a real-world network with varying AV penetration rates and traffic flow, the simulations demonstrate that the multi-agent rollout algorithm significantly enhances performance, reducing average travel time on bottleneck segments by 9.42% with a 10% AV penetration rate.

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