Emergent Mind

What matters when building vision-language models?

Published May 3, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.AI


The growing interest in vision-language models (VLMs) has been driven by improvements in LLMs and vision transformers. Despite the abundance of literature on this subject, we observe that critical decisions regarding the design of VLMs are often not justified. We argue that these unsupported decisions impede progress in the field by making it difficult to identify which choices improve model performance. To address this issue, we conduct extensive experiments around pre-trained models, architecture choice, data, and training methods. Our consolidation of findings includes the development of Idefics2, an efficient foundational VLM of 8 billion parameters. Idefics2 achieves state-of-the-art performance within its size category across various multimodal benchmarks, and is often on par with models four times its size. We release the model (base, instructed, and chat) along with the datasets created for its training.

Idefics2 architecture processes images and text, feeding them into a language model for prediction.


  • The paper analyzes the impact of different backbone models on vision-language models (VLMs), highlighting that language models generally have a more significant effect on performance than vision models.

  • It explores two architectural choices for VLMs — fully autoregressive and cross-attention — detailing their respective strengths and how certain techniques like LoRA can stabilize training.

  • Efficiency and performance trade-offs are examined, with effective strategies such as reducing visual tokens and handling image resolutions adaptively to improve training and deployment efficiency.

Understanding Vision-Language Models: Insights and Innovations from the Idefics2 Study

The Significance of Backbone Models

In the realm of vision-language models (VLMs), the backbone models play a crucial role. These are the pre-trained networks that the VLMs build upon, usually consisting of a vision part (like an image encoder) and a language part (like a language model). This study rigorously explores how the choice of these backbone models influences the overall performance of the VLM.

  • Language Model Impact: The language models seem to have a more significant effect compared to the vision models. For instance, upgrading from one language model to a more advanced version boosted performance noticeably, more so than enhancements on the vision side.
  • Vision Model Observations: Improvement in vision models also contributed to better performance, but the impact was slightly less pronounced compared to language model upgrades.

These findings emphasize the importance of selecting high-quality backbone models, particularly in the language domain, to drive superior VLM performance.

Architectural Choices: Fully Autoregressive vs. Cross-Attention

Choosing the right architecture for integrating visual and textual information is pivotal. The study compares two prominent architectures:

  • Fully Autoregressive Architecture: Directly concatenates the outputs from the vision model with text embeddings before processing them in the language model. It seems to perform well especially when all components are trainable, but can suffer from stability issues.
  • Cross-Attention Architecture: Integrates vision and text by interleaving specialized cross-attention layers within the language model. It performs exceptionally well when the vision and language models are frozen (not trainable during VLM training), but doesn't improve as much as the fully autoregressive method when all parts are trainable.

While the fully autoregressive method initially showed instability during training, adjustments using techniques like Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) significantly improved its performance, making it a strong contender for building efficient and powerful VLMs.

Efficiency and Performance Trade-offs

Efficiency in training and inference is as important as model performance. The research highlights several strategies to balance these aspects:

  • Reducing Visual Tokens: Implementing trainable pooling to reduce the number of visual tokens (i.e., the input features from images) resulted in both higher efficiency and improved performance, debunking the necessity for very high token counts that was previously assumed.
  • Handling Image Resolutions: Adaptive resolution handling, where images maintain their original aspect ratio and are processed in various resolutions, provided flexibility and memory savings without sacrificing performance.

These strategies enable more efficient model training and deployment, particularly when handling diverse and large-scale visual data.

Implications and Future Directions

The findings from the Idefics2 study pave the way for more purposeful and informed design choices in the development of VLMs. Understanding the impact of model architectures, backbone selections, and efficiency strategies not only helps in building better models but also in fine-tuning them for specialized applications.

Looking ahead, these insights could influence future research directions, particularly in exploring new architectures and training methodologies that further optimize the balance between performance and computational efficiency. The potential applications of such enhanced VLMs are extensive, ranging from improved interactive AI systems to advanced content analysis tools.


The Idefics2 study provides a comprehensive evaluation of various critical aspects in the design and implementation of vision-language models. By systematically testing and comparing different approaches, it offers valuable insights that contribute to the advancement of this technology, setting a benchmark for future endeavors in the AI and machine learning community.

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